Thursday, February 4, 2010

Yes and Amen!~

Today, I received the Project HOSE report from my good friend and coordinator, Vive. I have never felt so blessed, humbled while a sense of awe just overwhelmed me. For the benefit of the sceptics, quitters and shoe-shine ego polishers of our little faith empire today, I want to say to you that it doesn't take much to start a project such as this. It only takes faith, courage and right motives. Let me start from the beginning, shall we?
Project HOSE simply means "Help On School Expenses". It took my good friend, Vive, to have that prompting in his heart one evening and then he shared this idea with his three friends namely BA, John and me and the rest is history! The project time line was for 3 months and to cut the matter short, this project raised RM 5,800.00. Praise be to God! A total of 38 school-going children in Pahang, Perak and Penang went to school in January, 2010 in new uniform clothes, shoes and bags while their parents can be at ease. That, my friends, is faith in action. Action speaking louder than words. I am definitely not boasting about this project but this is a parallel example of doing His work without fuss and without hesitation. We saw the need and we worked towards that need. The response from the people who gave for this project was tremendous. No if, no but, no murmur of how it would erode our financial accounts unlike our little empire. Sometimes, the retarded mentality of "pray about it" does hinder our perspective horizon and smudge our God-given intelligence!
My heart is truly blessed when I went through the photographs of the recipients of this project. In my tiny heart , I just wish we could have blessed more children, bring joy and celebrate the true meaning of blessing. Yunno, God made it all happen. God put the seed of compassion in the hearts of the coordinator and the blessers. Oh ! How blessed are we to attend to that seed of compassion and need! It pains my heart to know that the little faith empires we built in our churches today are turning the other cheek and pretend that everything is well and good or better still, rob the limelight when all things are done. They started the "blame game"and shift blame to others but never on themselves. If I am not mistaken, my Bible call such leaders, Pharisees! Hmmmmmnnnnnnn........interesting, huh?
BTW, I really don't blame the people for hardening their hearts in giving for a such a cause. Yes, I must admit that initially, it wasn't easy to get the people to give but with God's grace, people began to understand and gave when they realised the genuinity of the cause. Like I said, if you work for and with God, the results would be spiritually rewarding. The people have hardened their hearts simply because they have been pushed to give to every event, meetings and services till they can't differentiate what is genuine and what is not anymore. That's the bloody honest truth. I am not going to hide and say sweeteners just for some over-blown egos and pompous pride.
To the donors , supporters, helpers and all those who had helped in one way or another in bringing this project to reality and making the children and parents to smile again - THANK YOU SO MUCH!~ Your contribution, encouragement, support and help made it all a worthwhile effort!

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