Friday, February 5, 2010

Walking the Talk...

Last week, while having lunch at a nearby shop, good friends of mine, Errol & Jessica shared how they had spoken with the concerned widow and learned her plight. I was moved by what I heard and my heart was burdened. I have not had this burdened feeling for a long time and when it did come, I know I have a task ahead of me. I just didn't know what it was. Upon completion of the "Widow" article which I wrote on 31st Jan, I was really challenged in my heart to "walk the talk". I felt so burdened by what I heard & felt that I sought for God's direction. Like I said many times, I ain't no pious nor super spiritual person but I do understand what obedience is all about. It wasn't easy for me to do what I need to do while I wasn't actually jumping with joy with all the support I needed this time because hearts had become so hardened. I was visibly upset at times but I knew what it meant to persevere in the midst of all the difficult surroundings. I kept telling myself that there is no harder road than the ones which had been taken by the Lord. So, I kept my faith and I worked at it.
To make the story short, I started out aid fund called Widow Aid to help out this widow. At first I had no idea at all of what can be done and what cannot be done. I just trusted God and try to put things together. It was difficult initially that even my staunchiest supporter thought I was way out of line or lost my mind. I fully understood what was being said but I thanked God that being my defender, He made all things well for me. The fund grew steadily and as updates are given, it rose significantly. Then, I decided to cut short the day for giving to a day earlier as I had to prepare the monies and get things done. As I wrote my final update, while the amount was alright but it didn't actually hit the target that I was expecting. So, I left for home yesterday after work and halfway thru home, I received an SMS from a good friend telling me that I have cut short one day and that he would like to donate a certain amount of money for this cause. I was dumbstrucked. I parked the car on the road verge and I wept. Gosh! I wept because the amount that this person gave come to the total that I had expected to garner. This is no coincidence and only the Lord knew what I had in mind and it was an odd amount. I was so thankful that He hears our prayers and He knows! I am so grateful too to the people who had given their best to this widow. As explained in my updates to the blessers, it is not about the amount that they gave. It is about their heart of blessing. Thank you for taking the opportunity to bless this person and I am humbled by your support and love. By this experience, I am humbled that there are many out there who really care and want to make a difference to lives of others. I take comfort that the Lord knew too and He blesses the blessers!
To me, I have walked the talk in my own way. You, too , can walk your talk by starting your own ways to help the poor and the needy. Make a start and make a change!
Change, we must!~


ViveAlive said...

Awesome report my friend....You are doing the very desire of the Lord...helping the poor and the widows. It is indeed true that Commitment always comes with sacrifice and Commitment without sacrifice is vain.It doesn’t take such a great man to be a Christian; it just takes all there is of him.

Keep up the good work and Shine for Jesus alone.

Be Blessed.

A Pinch Of Salt said...

Thanks for the encouragement and good words, bro. Always glad to hear from you.Be blessed!

Terence said...

Words cannot express how grateful I am towards this thought. Frankly speaking, even though I am already working, I somehow wish I could give more to my mom since dad went home with Jesus. However, I am down with so many financial commitments (manage to close them one by one and still closing) and it pains me to see that I'm being helpless at times, wishing I could be a better son to provide even more to mom.

God bless you and your works! It's very obvious that He had approved your works. May His favor be upon you at all times!

A Pinch Of Salt said...

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. God bless you and your family. Be encouraged always and keep the family in love always!Be blessed always~