For almost two weeks now, I must say that I've been going through a whirlwind of emotions and I thanked the Lord for retaining my sanity at times.
As I looked back into those days, I often wondered how I have managed to squeeze through those times. I can only turn my eyes to look up , lift up my frail hands to thank the One above and also for the wonderful support & encouragement I had received from beautiful friends and family. I am suddenly stunted for words in thanking all of you for helping us through the ordeal of anxiety and countless sleepless nights.
For those who are unfamiliar with our situation, suffice to say that it was a medical concern and as a family, the ordeal we had to go through was very real to us. Yes, it jolted us as a family but it also helped us grow stronger to one another. I have learned that in our adversity, strenuous and difficult times, help and words of encouragement are not far away especially from family and
good friends. I must confess that I have spent a lot of time awake, cried my heart out in the wee hours of the morning, prayed and kept all these away from the prying eyes of the family. I must say too working conditions and work environment weren't really rosy either and the turbulence was far more savage than usual. Anyway, I have stayed strong and at times postured to look strong on the exterior when in the very inside of me, I am battling every possible human reaction & emotions. I constantly reminded myself that I am the head of my family and I should radiant that strength to my family. I guess, that's all that matters to me - keeping my family together and I did just that, with His Grace!

For those who are unfamiliar with our situation, suffice to say that it was a medical concern and as a family, the ordeal we had to go through was very real to us. Yes, it jolted us as a family but it also helped us grow stronger to one another. I have learned that in our adversity, strenuous and difficult times, help and words of encouragement are not far away especially from family and

The merry-go-round of medical advices from the medical practitioners were another menace to me and my family. Why can't they just give you straight answers rather than beating around the bush? We had to seek second and third opinions on the matter and it irked me a lot when these specialists/doctors just won't understand what difficult times the family has to go through. I believe, the anxiety itself could break the family if it is not handled properly. You may say that I am a different breed of human being but I like the answers straight and to the point. Cut the fat and give me the meat, anytime! I guess, we still live in a sugar-coated environment even in our adversity , right? Anyway, I must record my gratefulness to two doctors, namely Dr. Udu & Dr.Jas for giving me apt, direct and sound advice for our situation. That's professionalism and not some Ah Long staffs sitting at the private hospital counter asking for a RM3,000 deposit if you want medical attention/expertise for your loved ones or some medical practitioners writing some ambiguous diagnosis and splashing a hefty medical bill for it ! That, to me, is purely and utter absurdity at its highest level! Bah! It's no more about saving lives now but how much money you can put on the Ah Long counter call private hospitals! Well, some tell me, live with it -that's life but I say, it's utter rubbish!
Like I always say, for every pain that you have to go through, the relief is just around the corner. My relief comes from the prayers , encouragement and the help from family and friends. I am truly blessed that a word of comfort is never far away from these wonderful friends. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your love and concern. My family and I are indeed very blessed!
My relief and gladness comes when I received the news of the results of the second test today. No money in the world nor anything else is going to beat that joy which I received today. God in all His Glory, Splendour and Mightiness has shown His mercy and grace to my life and my family. As I came out from the room, I sat myself on a chair and I felt the burden came off my shoulders. I am so blessed that my Master has once again put His smile on my family.
Thank you, Lord!~
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