This morning I woke up and I realised that I hit the ripe 45 years old age today. What can I say except that I am so blessed to be alive. Isn't it a wonderful thing that we can wake up each morning and celebrate our "living" for another day? That's exactly how I felt today. Then I took a good hard look at the bathroom mirror and I went " Yikes! I do look good, man!" Hahahahahahaha......... OK, I may have some patches of greyling hairs here and there but other than that, this sandpaper and dune lines on my face are still very much the same. I'll survive with such a facial structure, re-construction-naturally or unnaturally and outlook. Honestly, I must tell you that I actually don't give much attention to my own birthday because every day is a "bonus birthday" for me. I just don't know

when I wouldn't be able to wake up to enjoy the making of a new day - the sense, the touch , the unfolding and the smell of the day. If you must know, I am the least interested in my own birthday. I just love life. To me, I am satisfied that I have a great wife, great children in a son and a daughter, family members and many extended families in friends. To put simply, I am truly blessed. Blessed that the Lord has given me extended lease in my life.
This morning, my wife for 21years now [ the secret : stay faithful, loving and lots of patience! hahahahahhaa........] , SLing, gave me an angpow and knowing that she is my most able Financial Controller of the family, I was touched - not so much for the money in the packet but for her steadfast love for a man like me.

Well, like I said, I ain't the most easy person to live with and certainly ain't angelic in many ways, so, to have someone like SLing to love me [ or hate me!Hahahahahahaha....... ] each day, my day is filled, man. Truly filled! Yunno, without fail [ SLing reminds me all the time! ] , SLing and the children will get me a present each year but this year, I have decided that they shouldn't get me anything because my biggest present each year is my family. That's all that matters. I'm really glad that this year is different and I like it. It has been a roller coaster year but another year wiser [ or stupidier! ], I guess! Hahahahahahaha........it doesn't really matter. Wei & Jade [ my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law ] gave me a

nd the family a great & sumptuous lunch at Regent Restaurant after spending time with family in Seremban plus the two cuties, Ryan & Ashley. I really appreciate their hospitality and their warm hearts. The best part was we get to celebrate Ryan's birthday which was a big bash with family and friends. I can tell you this, Ryan & Ashley are so blessed to have parents in Wei & Jade plus grandma [ grumpy, fussy but acceptable-lar! She got a good heart and that's important! ] BTW, SLing's mom gave me an angpow too! I know what you're thinking. It is definitely not about the angpow that I am writing nice things about SLing's mom, ok? Suffice to say that she's overly cautious in a lot of matters but downright in her heart, she's caring.
In the evening, I went to Errol's place as he was having a gathering of friends for some food and catching up with our good family friends, Timothy & Evelyn who are Bible translators with Wycliffe. It was truly good to meet up with Timothy & Evelyn,

their children and catch up with what is happening and so on. Truly liberating in expressions of thoughts, ideas, discussions and even sharing of views. With barbecued chicken and marinated lamb on the grill, pasta, coleslaw, mashed potato [ truly awesomest! ] , lemang, fried mee and best chicken rendang in town made by Errol's mom, it was truly a night to remember for the tummy and mind! It was a great blessing. To top it off, they celebrated my birthday and what an amazing day indeed - Cheese cake some more! Waaaaaaaaaa........truly a blessing-lar!
I am really blessed indeed with great extended family members like Vive & Sathy, Abby & Dinesh, BA & Jessy, Kuna & Cheng, Lih Gin, John, Rachel & Alvin, Jason & Shirley, Errol & Jessica, Steven & Wan Sim and the list goes on. You people made me & my family a part of your lives [ don't regret it, ok? It's too late now to confess! hahahahahahaaaaaaa........... ]

and that meant a lot to me. Mere words won't be able to describe how much I appreciate your friendship, people. I also won't forget those young people [ Bryan, Melissa, Theresa, Anna, Jonathan, David, Stefanie, Jameson, Deriss, Stephen, Eunice, Garrett, Joel and the list goes on! ] in my friendship list whom have contributed a lot in my understanding of the young people's hopes, aspirations and their thoughts. I am still a firm believer that these young people are nuts andthey have a bottomless pit called stomach! Hahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaa..........Thank you fine young people! You people make me young at heart!
From the morning SMSes to phone calls to FB wishes, you people have made my 45th year in life much more meaningful each year- Thank you so much for blessing my life and you are all close in my heart always!
Happy belated Birthday, buddy !!!
Thanks,man. Appreciate your greetings! Take care. God bless.
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