I will say it again that the church has long become a spiritual spa for the complacent, the comfortable and the influential. It is such a comfortable boat and let us not rock it - some will say it loud and clear to you. We have become accustomed to be gullible to any message that suits our ears and suits our environment and we call it Saturday/Sunday service. Then we rush to buy products after products through book, tapes, DVDs only to keep them on our shelves and dust them during the monthly cleaning process. We milked from one man of God to another and call it the call of God for us when what we achieve at the end of the day is a another day of "feel good" message and make believe that we are spiritually well and "all is good" mentality. I am very amused that there are calls for banning of this or that blog because it is such a perversion for our young people's state of mind or are my writings too are hitting right to the core like a pin to the pin hole of favoritism, cowardness or even powers of corruption? To be honest, I couldn't care less if there is a call for my head! Speak the truth, speak loud and clear. If God wills that my head will roll then I say, let it roll. But if it is not God's will, then, let me say my opinions as it is. Afterall, I am amused too that for some opinions to get people all uptight and squirmed then there must be something there, isn't it? Jeng, jeng, jeng.....! I just love the suspence! Better than Sherlock Holmes & Dr.Watson's investigations!
Yunno, I am constantly confronted with the fact that the greatest failure in our church society today is when righteous people, there are many in our church today, who do absolutely nothing at all. This is the all time greatest tragedy of mankind, ever. Look, I am not asking each and everyone of us to take up arms or cause a revolt in our church today. All I am asking for us, as a church to do the right thing. Have a revolution in your heart to change for the better and begin to look at the needs around us. Let us just not talk about love, care and concern when we do not even know the real meaning of love, care and concern. Enough of hiding under the pretense. Enough of hoarding. Enough of excuses. Enough of playing Church! Wake up and take a walk of reality. Take a good look at the widows. Take a good look at the young people. Take a good look at the our church society. Take a good look at the needs around us. Take a good look at the needy. Take a good look at the people who had been out of job recently and struggling families. Take a good look. For goodness heaven's sake, TAKE A GOOD LOOK!
I am not sympathetic at all towards leaders who lie through their teeth or even protest that everything is well and okay when they know damn well that it is not okay at all. I call them cowards because that's what they are. Cowards because they want to protect their stay in power. Cowards because they want to be respected by the community and feel good inside. Cowards because as long as it doesn't concern them, it is okay. Cowards because they forget they have a moral obligation and social responsibilities on their shoulders. Cowards because they just go with the flow and everything is A-ok! Cowards because they let others be sacrificed rather than themselves. Cowards because they throw a fistful of dollars and calls them sacrifice and good will. Cowards because they forget that the eyes of Lord watches over them too.
Like I said during my sharing, I am NO ANGEL and neither do I ever claimed to be one. I am just another face in the multitude of crowds but I know one person who had changed and impacted my life around and his name is JESUS! For your information, He just did not preached love but practised tough love as well. I am one of those who is an advocator of tough love though I am still learning each curve each day. I crave not for powers, popularity or whatsoever which I may be accused off. I am just another advocator of tough love, that's all. If you are a genuine advocator too in whatever capacity you are, just know that it's God's approval that matters.... not men!~
Good article...Precise to the point and sharp.
I guess that is why Edmund Burke says "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Too many Christians do nothing. They are standing idle and choose to be a mere spectators. They sit on the sidelines instead of actively participating and working for the good. If good wins, they join in the celebration though they did nothing to produce the victory. If evil wins, they will complain long and loud though their own apathy helped produce the undesirable result.
My dear Bro,
The message has certainly taken its effect.
Vance Havner said, "Most church members live so far below the standard, you'd have to backslide to be in fellowship."
Take courage. We walk in the wilderness today and in the promised land tomorrow- DL Moody
ViveAlive :
Thank you for your words of encouragement and support. Appreciate it.
Always a good word of encouragement and support. Thank you.
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