It saddened me that sometimes we are our own greatest enemy when it comes to taking care of our health ( me included! ). I know that I should be exercising more, doing my walks more or even taking proper medication on time. I know too that eating right is important and so does sleeping and getting enough rest. I am not giving excuses when I say that sometimes, these are things that eluded us in our rat race and super quick world today. Everything is "quick-quick and doubly quick" these days that we sometimes forget where we are today! Like I said, this is not an excuse or blame shifting exercise but the fact remains that the demands of our work can be quite taxing while superiors are not actually angels either. But the fact remains that it has a lot to do with us. We have to take a conscientious effort to make that change in our lives if we want to live longer. We have to choose life over anything else in our lives. Easier said than done, right? Well, this is far better than landing in the soil pile at the cemetery plot, right?
So, let's make an effort to change of lifestyle and start LIVING , shall we? I know you think that dying in your sleep is the most glorious thing, right? Well, in certain sense, it is true but truly, you will be sorely missed by your loved ones in times like this. Well, it may sound cornish and morbid to speak of death during these "red" and auspicious days of CNY but everyone STILL gotta kick the bucket someday, right?. Happy LIVING and let's stay ALIVE for a little while longer, shall we?
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