Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tak Nak...Tahan!

A peculiar thing happened today. I wish I could laughed out loud but somehow, I will keep it to a smile. I was at a car service centre today to do my work when I was made to wait for my appointment. While awaiting for my appointment, I seated myself on a row of comfortable looking chairs amidst two elderly ladies and one young yuppy guy probably in his early 30's. The ladies were talking loudly as though the rest of the people at the row of seat were deaf or mute. They then spoke to the young yuppy in regards to their car condition and problems. Obviously, the young yuppy and the elderly folks knew one another as they spoke about the young yuppy's mother and so on. They then went on to speak about their trips to Genting and so on and how they are now being upgraded to Platinum Card holders at Genting. As usual,I was non-chalant about such talks and I usually deafen my ears to such talks.
Then, the conversation went on about their winnings on the casino tables and how they have managed to get on the right formula to place their bets and so on. The stories goes on and on and on. They even went to to tell the poor young man how to get his bets right and who not to play with at the casino table. I guess, it was their boastfulness that irked me a lot. I could tell that the elderly women are rich by the thick gold ornaments they wore and all the blink-blink but who cares far as I was concerned! Probably the weight of the gold ornaments adorning their necks and hands could have caused them to have hunched back or back injury! Then, I cannot 'tahan' when I was made to wait again for my appointment and the conversation between the ladies and the young yuppy goes on and on.
It came to a point where I became untahanble with what I am stuffing down my ears. It's like the infuriating and offensive buzzing of mosquitoes in heat. So, I stood up and said gently, " Excuse me, ladies. If you have been winning so much at the casino table, why don't you do some good and donate some of that winnings to some old folks home, children's home or even to some needy people? I am sure they would appreciate your gesture a lot, wouldn't it?". I didn't wait for a reaction nor required any for that matter. I lifted my butt, scooted to the Manager's office and told him that I needed to see him to clear up some matters. Somehow, I guess, I've been placed under the statistics of difficult and "bad" people category again! Who cares....anyway! I am very sure - Christmas at some shelter homes would have been much brighter with greater donations from these ladies!
Oh! BTW, I meet the young yuppy as I came out of the office and headed straight to my car. He offered his thanks to me for keeping the ladies quiet and for putting them in their place! I told him, it's my pleasure indeed! We both laughed and we parted after exchanging our call cards. Now, that's a fun, right?


Emily yoong said...'s good old Ivan ,"the berani'....

Terence said...

Nice!!! A humble yet a profound and mind-opening way of challenging those 2 ladies to give...