Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blur day !

Yesterday, my world was in total blurriness. It wasn't like my mind had gone senile or moving along the major "uncle" lane [ tak boleh tahan ! ] but I had forgotten to bring my spectacles with me that day. Having phlegm on both sides of the eyes doesn't help one bit while as the accelerated aging starts, [ yup, no elixir or potion or what not is going to make you any younger,ok? ] it sure is frustrating when the vision gets blur. I can summed up my entire day in two words - miserable & frustrating!~
The moment I arrived to work and I couldn't find my glasses , I was like in a hyperventilating mode as I couldn't really see nor read well without my glasses. I tried calming down but it was awfully difficult. Whole day was spent trying to figure words and sentences out. Luckily, I had the trusty magnifying glass to help me "see" that day. Imagine having to pick up the magnifying glass I have on my desk to read everything I need to do for my work. Like I said, it was horrifically difficult but at least, I wasn't exactly handicapped! My colleagues teased me like mad and I was grinning and telling them that one day, they'll be where I am! At that moment I was all ready to apply for OKU status for impeeded vision!~
Well, with all laughters & teasing said and done, I was still in complete blurriness. Everything was smudgingly unclear and I managed to struggle on. It was quite a struggle for me - someone who had somehow had been dependent on the glasses. Yes! Yes! I arrived home safely and I am not blind, yunno. But it was a struggle that I can relate to. I guess, we all need our "spectacles" in life to see our lives clearly and better. We may have been derailed in our life walk, trampled upon by others, at the receiving end of hurtful words , fallen victim to cheats,louts and mischiefs, unfairness, every inconceivable forms of injustice and evilness or even been pushed to a corner until we are covered with complete blurriness due to our tears but there is one permanent "spectacles" in our life and His name is the Lord Almighty! I am thankful that God had rectified that very spiritual blurriness of my life. Let us not take that for granted.~
Yes, I am afraid to lose my sight both physically and spiritually ..... afterall, the natural world which God created around us is truly beautiful and in technicolor. It is just that human beings spoil it at times !~

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