Saturday, March 27, 2010

Take Heed!~

Dear Readers out there,
While I welcome you to read and comment on my blog but I will NEVER EVER TOLERATE garbage especially pornographic materials, messages or even advertisements being dumped on this blog. Take heed that this is a clean blog and I MEAN every word I say!
To me, this is the work of senseless cowards or even low life punks [ because you write in Mandarin! ] who tries to act smart or think they are smart when they are actually the lowest level of scums!
To the genuine readers, I wish to inform you that I do not condone such advertisement nor materials which are an insult to the intelligence of our intellectual minds. There will always be idiotic people like these scrounging messages on our blogs that comes only from the sickest of minds.
So, have a great day ahead and for the sickos, deleting your messages gives me a lot of pleasure! Believe me, deleting your sick comments gives me immense pleasure!~
You bloody morons and idiotic fools!~


blhc said...

chill! i think theres and option you can set where those who wish to comment have to type the funny alphanumerics in the picture shown. that works.

A Pinch Of Salt said...

OK. Thanks, bro. Appreciate your words and your comments. Thanks again!