Today, I want to speak on Malaysian politics and politicians in particular and I must say t

hat I am pretty pissed about the entire mockery of this system. Issues of politics had become a contest of mud-slinging, fear tactics, money in the form of peruntukan corruption, extra ballot papers and even gone into personal character assassinations. Politics had become such a foul stench in our nation that even the stool that comes out from our rear smells so much nicer. Yes, the public had lost confidence in the government machinery. Like I said all the time, if we continue to cloud ourselves with sweeteners from politicians all the time, we will get a gangrenous diabetic society which eventually the fabric of the society will crumble and die. For the past few "buy"-elections and times, I was really agitated that everytime some clown in the form of candidates from the ruling party loses, at least, one particular race of people will get blamed for it. It is either the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians, the Ibans, the Sikhs or even the Kadazans will be blamed. It is never about the corrupt system or corrupt & bankrupt political ideas but it is always about this race or that race. Believe me, no one particular race is spared from getting the brick brats from these losing candidates or even worst , our government leaders today. We also have one racist particular NGO leader who kept shooting his mouth off like some racist lunatic and words that flow like the dirty drains in our backyard and hey, he gets scott free by doing that, man. I wouldn't be sure of where we might land if we were to speak like that, probably get blown up , do time in Kamunting or end up like Kugan or Aminurasyid, man. We are sure to get some charge somehow and end up bruised, broken bones or even charged for sodomy, I guess. You will never know, right? Really a barrel of stench!
Let us , as rakyat of this nation, ignore such individualistic racist who is only out to fish more votes in GE13. BTW, this so-called champion cannot work with any party and that only shows his selfishness and lalang mentality. Lalang mentality means I'll stick to where the power is and harness it! This is exactly the kind of people that simply have no respect to all the races in our country today and should be rejected by all. We do not need leaders like this. We need leaders who are brave enough to work through the webs of deceit and mounting abuses of corruption in our nation today. Let us fight for the cleaning up of corrupt practises in our country today. Let's put an end to such filth that had invaded our society and our nation!~
Friends, we all have friends from all races of people in our country today. Ask yourself this very important question : Is our race such an issue to be friends with one another? Yunno, we may differ in our religious beliefs but we are still a human being and a good Malaysian. My parents (God bless them and I am eternally grateful ) had taught me to respect people of all races and all walks of life even when I was young and I had done the same with my children. I am sure, you too have been taught by your parents to respect the other races in our country, right? So, let us not let politicians play up such idiotic and dangerous notions in our society. Let us join hands to fight corrupted politicians and politicians who drums up hatred towards other races. These are politicians that should be ejected and rejected by all who love this country of ours. We have built this nation from the bloody blood sheds of our yester years and we do not need to be reminded of this grim and devastating consequences by irresponsible acts from our politicians who seemed to have forgotten this sick times.
Instead, we should rise up to fight corrupted politicians and send them packing for their "racial goods" are not welcomed. I daresay that there are many honest, hardworking and peace-loving Malaysian - be in a Malay, a Chinese, an Indian, a Eurasian, a Sikh, an Iban, a Dusun or even an Orang Asli, who knows the fact that we love this country. It is the massive corruption, the biasness , cronyism, favoritism and the racism that we reject outright!
MACC, Police, Election Commission, government agencies - Wake up and serve the people - not politicians, not Parliamentarians and definitely not self serving individuals. SERVE THE PEOPLE! That is your sole responsibility! I have often wondered if there are any good men in our government agencies today. I shudder at this thought, really. I appeal to these officers or people in government departments to do your job with all fairness, integrity and with clear conscience. Don't serve evil people for the wrath of God will be on you one day. Afterall, no one not even me or even the top people of our nation can escape from redemption day with God!
Hey, look, we EARNED and WORKED DAMN HARD to be where we are today and I am not saying just this just because I am a true bloodied Chinese. I am not trying to say that I don't respect the other people in our country. Everyone of us - Malay ,Chinese, Indian ,Eurasian and others had worked hard and we STEAL FROM NO ONE. What we have today is from the very toil of our hands , the blood , sweat and tears. So, take your racist politics to your grave yard and bury it there. Dirty, corrupt, questionable character, money making, racist mongers, power crazed and bias politicians, government officials and leaders - Repent or you'll get shipped out to hell one day! The last time I heard, it ain't a nice place to be, you dig!~