Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ip Man 2

I have often believed that spending RM 40.00 for my entire family for a movie in the theatres is simply too much [ I would rather pay RM 7.00 for a DVD copy on the streets ! ] but then again, the sound effects and the big screen effect does make a difference. I would definitely flipped and grimaced in pain if I were to spend it on some movie but this was "Ip Man 2" we are talking about. I have seen "Ip Man" and I know I am in a real treat. So, I decided to let the pain to come to me slowly...afterall, it was a family affair and so, I have to enjoy or sometimes endure it , right?
With popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other, we barely make it into the theatres. As our bottoms barely warmed our seat, the show begun. The movie started really well and the plot soon unveiled nicely with some nice martial arts action [ Wing Chun style of martial arts ] sequences. I am really a simple guy when it comes to watching movie. I don't care too much on action and so on but the story line has got to be good or else I'll be asleep in a jiff. A lot of my friends used to make fun of me when I told then I saw "Schindler's List" at one time while most of them would be asleep and waking up when the credits rolled but to me, I really enjoyed the show and it was a fantastic movie for me. It just goes to show that not every movie is about chop, kick and crushed thingy. I like a movie with decently good conversation, good action and lessons we can learn from it. Well, "Ip Man 2" provided the essence ingredients of martial arts action, humour, the ugly truth of humanity and life lessons to be learned.
The martial arts action with Samo Hung on the round table during the sifu initiation was a classic scene of the best of kung fu demonstration. To me, this is a real classic. The fight sequence was superbly produced indeed. The fast hand movements and attacking flair were beautifully engineered, executed and such a delight to watch. I have come to appreciate what a truly master of Wing Chun martial arts can do and react in times of adversity. I must say, I really had a great time watching this movie. This is one movie I felt I had paid the right price though I am still of the opinion that getting the DVD copy would have been equally fun too. I wouldn't want to spoilt all your fun by commenting too much about the movie but I really felt that this is one heck of a movie to watch. Yeah, prices at the cinemas are pretty steep but watch it any way you can either through cinemas or thru street DVD. Have fun!~


halelu said...

Wonderful review of Ip Man2.
You should give some of the Wing Chun chops to those that really deserved it. You know who r the target group. Donnie and Samo certainly did a good job and you did a better job by giving the best write up. "Tok Kong" man!

A Pinch Of Salt said...

Halelu :
Thanks for the encouragement. Appreciate it! Cheers!

A Pinch Of Salt said...

Thanks for dropping by. Appreciate it!