For the past few days, I pondered with bewilderment at certain issues that had cropped up in our very fragile nation today. I guess, I can't hide my utter disbelief on the marriage of a 14 year old girl. Mind you, I use the noun " girl" because I am absolutely certain that she is just a young girl not of kahwinable age yet-lar. For that matter, I am really against marriages below the age of 21 including those shot-gun marriage a.k.a. the ter-accident kahwin cases! I am also lost at words [ not nice ones, absolutely ! ] for her parents who actually gave consent to it. What has become of our society today? Mind you, this is a Form Two girl we are talking about! Think about it - how could she be a wife , life companion and a mother later on when girls at her age are still talking about Korean K-Pop groups clothings, hairstyles, personal grooming, playing with pink colored souvenirs and gift plus still at the developing stage of her life. To me, it is a total breach of trust and poor taste for her so called husband-teacher to take advantage of such a young girl's life. Yes, this is a total lack of ethics and humanistic behavioral ways. It is like what the Malay proverb used to say, " Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi." No! This has nothing to do with "jodoh" or fate as one would say. Instead of being a guide for the young girl, he took her as a child bride. Yes! To me, she is a child bride and this is totally absurd. How could society condone this despicable act? To me, child/teenage brides are wrong and it doesn't matter what race they may come from. A wrong is a wrong, There are just no grey lines to this. We should be totally against it. We are no different from being animals when we subject our daughters to such a marriage plot. To me, it is not love but pure lust and wickedness of the flesh or worst still, material greed , perhaps. Yes, whether you are a religious teacher or whatever teacher, to me, you're just another wolf in sheep's clothing if you commit to such acts. I have seen such pretense and happenings during my teaching days and I find it totally disgusting and repulsive. I want to put one thing straight here and now - I am not against teachers marrying their students, [ I do have many former colleagues and students marrying their teachers and so on! ] but the students must be at the right ripe age of marriage - 21 years old and above or when she understands her responsibility and maturity. It makes no sense to wed a Form Two girl and tell the entire world that he is concerned of her studies. To me, this is a complete & utter nonsense! I bet you, the concern flies far away from the mind when the clothes are shed. What "abang angkat" & "adik angkat' nonsense we are talking about when "semua terangkat" when the clothes fly, right? Let us not kid ourselves by avoiding this issue and pretend as though we are the "holy, holy" ones when it comes to such an issue. This is a fact and we should acknowledged that child brides are just wrong in the first place. To me, it is rape and I don't just mean it from the sexual point of view. It is the heinous rape of the mind, body and soul. I have seen 14 year olds who can't even fixed breakfast for themselves. buy the correct tampons, clean the house or even their rooms, don't know what they want in life and still having dreams of dating Korean superstar, Rain or Zac Effron for that matter! Now, you want a 14 year old to get married, built a lovely dovey home and have a pleasant life ever after? That's a lousy fairy tale picture! My nephew, Ryan can spin better fairy tale stories than these jokers!
Look, I am not playing judge and executioner for things like this but I fear for our daughters and our womenfolk when things like this are allowed to happen. To me, it degrades them and their status as women. It makes them look like economic commodity or with no say at all. Perhaps many of us have heard our mothers or even our grandmothers marrying at a very young age but how many could actually recall having a good understanding of things at that time? Most of them goes through hard times, right? Moreover, womenfolk have no social standing at that time and life was difficult and primarily dominated by men, the sole provider. So ,what do they do? They get married early hoping to have met a good man who would provide for her. Yes, they tell us that they just have to make do with what they have but most of them have scarred life as they don't go through their life as children/teenager should be but learn to be adult faster than their age lest suffered a lot in silence. Yeah! Spent some time with your grandmothers or mothers and you'll get some nice nuggets of life from them. They would have told you that by the time they got into their marriage, they have become baby making machines throughout their lives! I know that it sounded like a joke but it isn't. Dig deeper into your conversation and you will unearth the truth you wouldn't want to hear. It is a fact, my friends. It is a fact. They have plenty of children those days.
My point is this - children shouldn't be made into child/teenage brides. Let them live their lives and chose the right one when they are ready and not on some puppy love notion! My question is simply this :-Would you let your 14 year old daughter marry at that age? I don't know about you but I CERTAINLY WOULD NOT ALLOW IT AT ALL!~
1 comment:
Wow! That is true! I loved this post! Keep writing!
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