Several hours ago, I was at a bereavement sit-in for the sudden demise of a very respected elderly person of my church, Uncle Kok Kong Pow. I remembered that 14 months ago, my family and I had attended the sit-in for the demise of this elderly man's beloved wife, Anna Kok. I guess, this elderly man must have loved his wife a lot that God must have granted him the wish to re-join his wife in a far better place in heaven.
I guess, many of us would be glad to say that he is rightfully in a better place but for the living, having lost a dear person of the family is really a difficult time. I guess, we will never know how a grieving family feels until we see one of our loved ones lying in the coffin someday. I also presumed that as time goes by, they would come to grip with the fact that God has a plan for each and everyone. Well, everyone is quite morbid on the topic of death but the fact remains that we would all one day would have to die somehow. No one can go through the enigma of immortality because we are first and foremost a human being made up of flesh , blood and spirit. So, we might as well choose to die courageously, honorably and with distinct satisfaction - that's what my thoughts are at the moment.
I am also thankful to my wife, SLing and my family who are my constant supporters. They have been through a lot for me and with me. I am ever so thankful to them for supporting me eventhough I can be a cow ( not the ones associated with our NFC scheme! ) and a donkey ( they say donkey meat can be tough! ) at times. There are things that I kept close to my heart and things that are dear to me as I speak fondly of the tremendous support I've had from my family. Suffice for me to thank you so much and I am really blessed with this family. There had been many instances, they have to put up with cranky and crabby old man's behaviour and almost neurotic behavioral patterns but Thank God ! They survived me! Hahahahahaaaaa.......... They are truly very loving towards me and I could never asked for anything more. The highest accolades I could humanly possibly give would be to my family for taking the trouble to understand , withstand and stand up for me in my light and my darkest hour in life. They stood by me - rain or shine, with or without umbrella , along side me . That I appreciate a lot.There are really no words to describe or be emotional about it when I speak fondly of my family. I pray that they would put up with me for another year and for years to come as I get more senile and less coherent in years to come! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........
Next comes, my dearly loved friends. I have so many to mention but none would compare to friends like Vive, Sathy, Errol, Jessica, Jason, Shirley, Dinesh, Abby, Lih Gin, Steven , Wan Sin, Teo CK and the list goes on. Old friends & new friends, you know who you are and you are really important in my life. It is difficult not to thank them because they play significant and very prominent roles in my life. If there is a secret to be told, I grew up in life with help of good friends. Yeah, family was there to provide and give support but friends helped me along my life and pulled me out of the rut whenever I landed myself in some dark sinister mischief or acidic test of life. There are just too many situations to even start and I just wanna thank everyone for investing in my life in whatever way you did. I truly appreciated the gesture and a special place in my heart is where those wonderful helpings are stored. No, these storage of good memories would not clogged my arteries for sure! There has been a tremendous influx of good helps from friends over the years and I truly appreciate that a lot. Sometimes, their calls in difficult times helped in maintaining sanity over a certain period of time and helped in coming back to focus on a lot of matters. I am comforted that good friends stood by my family in the hour of my need and helped my family a lot especially during my medical matters. Yunno, you can never imagine how relieved and how comforted I was to see the faces of my friends with my family during that time. I tell you the truth, had I kicked the bucket and sang looney tunes on harp that day, I would be comforted to know that I have great friends to help & guide my family even when I may be laid to rest in the 6'X4' plot of land. [ btw, I would have liked that my body be thrown in the sea to be devoured by sharks minus all the important parts donated to the public who needs them, of course!! In that way, people who catch the sharks for their fins and eat the fins would have cholesterol , diabetes, heart problem and so on!! hahahahahahahhaaaa........ ) I am blessed too when I met up with some of my college mates and our lecturers in one of of get-together. I am so thankful to them for teaching me some finer pointers in life and I have not forgotten what they did for me - the experiences of travels, responsibilities and so on. Rightly so, this was one of the highlights in my life plus my very first time/epic/historical driving experience into KL ( I hate KL, I tell you! My views are still as intact as the ping pongs on me! hahahahahahaaaaaa....... ). Seriously, I am comforted that God had surrounded me with good friends and I am so blessed by them. So, thank you, my friends for taking the trouble to know me and for willingly or unwillingly investing in my life. I pray too that I have been a blessing to you and your family for the past year and for the years to come.
So, goodbye to 2011 and here's to 2012! We may not know what will be in store for us at the bend of the new year 2012 but one thing is for sure, we have to give our best and live our best. We will fail and fall many times as we trudged on in the ever -challenging times ahead of us but we know that we have 3 important forces ( God, family and friends ) behind us as we take that step of faith in a blind new year.
Well, we've got 365 days to find out, isn't it? Let's explore and do our best. Shall we start?
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