My analysis of the matter is that this is just an individual. OK! Before you put poison darts and let fly quadtrillion of knives, machetes, spears, metal balls or whatever sharp and pointed weapons to my ever -smart looking body of yesteryears, just stay with me for a while or at least , allow me to humour you.
As a person, I am very glad that the nonsensical and illogical saga is over for this man and his family. Look, like it or not, he is just a man like any of us who will be subjected to such abuse when you are in the the dirty world of politics. This saga had drained so much out of the poor man and his family - physically, mentally and socially. Honestly, I can never imagine what he and his family had to go through which is virtually a living hell for them, I guess. I am primarily more concerned for his wife and family who had to endure all the slander, shame and humiliation all these years. It is just so embarrassing and so cruel to do that to a family. I really sympathised with this man and his family. The stress, strain and the days of uncertainty could have really drained the daylights out of them. I am glad that the family's strength and the One Above had kept them sane and durable during these difficult and hostile times. Sometimes, it is so ironic that the sly, the slanderers, the wicked, the evil-minded and even the nasty blokes gets away scott free these days. You kinda wanna ask God, " Why?" or "Yean?" ( in Tamil ). Like I always say, I will put it all in a box and ask God when I get there one day!
Now, my reservation is not on the man but what is important is this : Are there any more capable leaders like him? Why is it so important for him to be a PM if the opposition wins in the next election? Can't it be someone else for a change? My point is simply this - It is not the individual but the good ideals of having good governance of the country is of the utmost importance. OK, people say he is the unifying factor of all the opposition parties. Yup, I may have to agree with that but I can't see his fellow leaders having the same "brick skin and strength" he is having. One man cannot help re-built this nation if the rest of his merry men are again racist, crooks, criminals and corrupt practitioners! There is a need for him to get his political house in order if there is any chance to sniff the colossal joy of winning or taste the bitter agony of defeat ultimately in the coming GE13. Winning is possible if everyone gets their political houses right with the right-minded leaders in the lead. All I am saying is that I have confidence in PR but I don't have confidence in PKR. To me, PKR looks shaky and almost a carbon copy of the present ruling people. With people coming in from the same old regime boat of corrupt practises into the party , I am really skeptical if these people are really out to tumble out the old geezers of corrupt regime or going for a trial ride on the tidal wave of change and then rape the country all over again! I guess, that's the worry of most fence seaters out there which roughly makes up of 40% of the general population, I would say. Afterall, frogs leap high and will sing when shown the bags, right? We have plenty of examples around already, don't we? All I am saying is there is a real need to screen the potential candidates for the next coming GE13 and DSAI has go to get it right.. Yeah, a few good men sounds interesting but not when it comes to governing the country, man! That's my bluntest opinion as far as I am concerned. There is a real need for men and women of substance and incorruptible characters to run this already disturbed country with great care and good governance.
I pray that for the coming GE13, the potential candidates had better get into shape and stop being peddlers of words lest they will fall very flat on their faces, be it from the ruling party or the opposition. The days of flattery by big makan, the sour dosage of racial trump cards, fear tactics and even empty promises are grandly over as the voters are really scrutinising the potential candidates. It takes a real moron and nitwit to use these pre-historic tactics to win votes. Maybe, just maybe, it will work at the kampungs and the rural folks but not in the urban areas. I pray for good leaders to prevail. Ones that would be true Malaysian in every sense. We have had enough of racism, imbalance shift of fear tactics, arm-twisting policies, blundering policies that plunder the very wealth of this nation and the rape of the land.
Vote wisely, vote right and pray!~
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