I am not the type that likes to go for conferences and so on but when Royal Rangers Malaysia organised their National Leaders' Conference 2012, I must be honest that I wasn't that enthusiastic about it at first. Excuse me and forgive me for my bluntness but maybe, years in the ministry had hardened me a lot. Somehow God just had other plans in store and indeed good things were in store for all of us to learn and digest. I know that the Royal Rangers Malaysia are in the good hands and stewardship of a good leader in National Commander, Rev.Gideon Lee but somehow, I knew that I had to rally behind this leader and see what is in store for the future of this ministry. They say, years in the ministry will hardened a lot of people and I must say, in a balance of good and not so good ways. No! By no means, I am belittling the efforts and the hardwork carried out by the National Office staff but on the contrary, I must say, they DID A PRETTY WELL and GOOD JOB indeed in running the Royal Rangers Malaysia office. What a challenge!

It was indeed a joy to be able to meet some of the finest leaders I've seen from Selangor and KL while notable absentees from Johor, Pahang and Perak were felt. I also felt a tinge of sadness knowing some leaders had gone off the grid while some had left the ministry over the years. But I was really glad to meet up with one of my patrol mate ( Bear Patrol ) during my NTC days, Comdr. Reuben Ponniah - still serving with great enthusiasm and great disposition. Coming back, my leaders and I felt blessed that we are the only surviving outpost outside of Selangor and KL after all these years. We were in our easily noticeable luminous green t-shirts and we stood out easily among the crowd of young and mature commanders. Watching some of these leaders in their full regalia of medals and ribbons of achievement on their finely pressed uniforms were a total delight. Good for them indeed!

We started off with the Praise & Worship session and suddenly I felt very old as the music were simply for the young leaders,man. That's all good because the ministry simply have to move forward to a better groove and direction. Then, there's the message from National Commander, Rev.Gideon Lee. The boss touched on the theme, direction and the need to re-brand the Royal Rangers Ministry as a whole. For once, I sat upright to hear what he has to say and the way to move forward in this ministry. I must say that he has definitely inspired me in more way than he'll ever know. Before coming to this conference, I was thinking of hanging up the boots for this ministry after being involved in it for about 14 years now. I NEVER had a day of regret while serving in this ministry as this is the BEST MINISTRY of all times. It is just that I felt very much of handing over the mantle of leadership to the younger leaders. I really felt that it was time to pass over the torch bearing duties to our future leaders. Yeah, the pep talk was inspiring and the re-branding of the ministry is a welcoming indicator. Then, the good times further rolled with young leaders such as Comdr. Kwang Yew (MC), Comdr. Terence Ooi, Comdr. Deborah, Comdr. Eric and Comdr. Eddy sharing about the 30th Anniversary celebrations, Camporama, Advancement Trails, Rangers Give Back Program ( RGB - truly a good program) and LMA Advancement and so on.

I was very glad and elated to see young leaders like these finest young men and women taking up responsibilities in the National Office and pouring out their best to this ministry. It was exciting and truly refreshing. I say with all honesty that this is the right direction of this ministry. A good mixture of young and mature leaders. In that way, the ideas of the young people would not be stiffled while the mature leaders could lend a good guiding hands instead of promoting "taichi" master workout. In a ministry like this, it is so important for fresh new ideas to flow and to curb wastages in resources and finances which occur quite rampantly in many ministries out there. It is good that even for the coming Camporama, there is a lot of plans to bring a lot of fun to the children. I am all for it if the camp fee is structured towards providing great outdoor fun and adventure for the participants especially the young children. Afterall, when a small outpost like ours planned for a camp, we usually get out more and provided more than what we make the children pay for camp fees. We have been truly blessed by the beautiful big hearts of the commanders and our supporters over the years. I believe that all this is possible because GOD enabled each and every one of us. When you put forward the ideas in blessing children with good things, GOD would truly honour that because children/youth are such dear souls to Him. I know and I firmly believed this is the secret success ingredient for our camps thus far and for many years to come. You wouldn't believe what budget we have to start with at times but with GOD's grace, He sees us through AND He ALWAYS prevail!
To say I come out of the conference with a better feeling is truly an understatement. I actually came out feeling refreshed and with a sense of gladness. I am truly happy that many young leaders are now stepping up the plate to serve whole-heartedly and taking up the challenges in their roles. I see the enthusiasm, I see the passion, I see the commitment and I see a change. That is a good change. The road ahead may not be easy for these leaders but perseverence and patience will pay off eventually in the long run. I have said it many times in our outpost that the accolades, praises, the sugary words and approval of men are not important at all and mere words. What is important is the approval from the one they call the Master Ranger!
So, to the National Staff of Royal Rangers Malaysia, I salute you and I say thank you for making this conference a success. Well done and I pray that may the Lord's peace, joy and abundance of love surrounds you as you serve in this ministry faithfully and with great passion. So, will I still step down ? ................... Your guess is as good as mine!
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