Feeding about 100 youths and young adults in the recently concluded Impact Youth CLA Melaka - Cafe Night 2012 is no joke but I must say, it was thoroughly entertaining, hardwork, fun and heart warming at the same time. Sure, it got intense at times but the spirit of working together was really good. Nothing beat the joy of the gathering of good friends, working together and making an event successful. When Errol and myself were approached for an opportunity to be part of a youth event, we readily agreed as we really want to see the youths in general and in churches today to have a great time of fellowship and getting together. I should warn you though that the workload of organising such an event can be quite challenging but if you get it done with the right attitude, loving heart, great passion and great friends, you can get it done nicely and the joy is.........enormous!
I know that my friends and our families had done the very best we could to run the food section of the event the best we could and we gave it our all. We had lots of fun together and it was great seeing everyone doing their part for the event. Yeah, it was hectic once the food order slips came by, but with good control and great teamwork, we got food out from the kitchen very nicely. Serving with people like Errol, Jessica, Lih Gin, SLing, Stefanie, SYuen , Josephine, Jocelyn and Jillian were really fun. I am truly amazed by the commitment from Stefanie who made the trip back from Broga, Semenyih ( She then travelled back to Broga the same night after the event , mind you! How many of us would do that, right? My hats off to you, Stef! You will always have a special place in my heart! ) just to help us out at the front counter while the rest of us got the food ready for serving. The servers/waiters/waitresses were great too. They managed to get the food and drinks out as fast as they could and to their intended person(s). So, there were a few spills and so on but it's okay as everyone really did their best. To me, being able to be part of the event and contribute as much as we can is itself a really satisfaction.
As I bid every one goodbye, I took a good look at the young people who had gathered outside the hall after the event. I noted familiar faces and many new faces in the crowd. I pray that God would continue to watch over them and raise them up someday. That night, after washing up and as tired limbs lumbered towards the comfort of the bed, I only had this to say - THANK YOU, LORD for the wonderful people/families! You are indeed GREAT!
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