Monday, July 23, 2012

Pictoral fun with little angels....

Aaaarrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh! Ah John & Ku mah are BACK!
I am going to be as delightful as possible to them!
I wonder if I'll get to play Ku mah's iPad and handphone....I wonder.........
I need to contact the Police, MACC, FRU unit and Special Forces for protection.....let's see who is available at this moment......... huh, Ah Jib kor only?
Meanwhile, let's get mei mei to be all cuddly and nice to Ku mah while I contact the authorities.........
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ah John is torturing me for info by taking me to their special hideout - BookXcess.........
Ku mah and cheh cheh SYuen taking me for a lesson on what they will do with me if I fail the spelling test..... scary-lor .......They will make me into rolling sticky sweets...gulp!
Oh!Oh! I better learn my spelling...reinforcements are here.....mei mei , help! help!
Thank God for these super power supplements - char siew, sior bak and sior ak ( roasted duck! )
I am rejuvenated when I saw the supplements hanging at the display area....ku mah is smiling too...hhhmmmmnnnnnnn  why-ar?
Aha! I got to know Ku mah and SYuen got their energy from the food supplements too!
Two plates of char siew, sior bak and sior ak, please, PLEASE, PLEASE.......
Luckily, mei mei manage to put on her best behaviour and slow talk to Ah John.....
Me? I have managed to prepare my "tools" of IceAge magic cube of Scrat & Mammoth!
Ah John and Ku Mah says that if I fail to get my assignment of spelling bee right, I'll be made into this.....Anyway, do I know you from somewhere before? Come on-lar, don't be shy?

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