For me, I take it all in good stride as the second digit turned over the years. I guess, I am not unduly worried about that as my hair somehow still find it's way to stick to my head while many others have started losing them quite early in life. I guess, the only thing I am unduly worried is the constant visit to the dentist to get some tooth extracted somehow. Well, I've got a terrific idea for that - compensate with the latest hairdo to distract the people's scrutiny and substitute it with a smile without opening the mouth or showing my teeth then! Other than that I am fine for a 49er, though!
However, I must say that the daily swallowing of Metformin, cardiprin and a host of other "magical tablets" ain't fun to start with but essentially 49er!!! The other accompanying gadget for a 49er is the contraption we call the spectacles! I am blind as a bat without the glasses when it comes to reading and for the night vision , no astique powered glasses make me stick so much closer the the white centre demarcating line to guide my path! Phew! NO accidents so far. Thank God for that! Never mind if it is a RM 15.00 reading glasses or a RM 550.00 reading glass ( optician/optometrist/spectacle shop owners are making tons of money, people!!!!! ), wearing glasses are now an essential part of life for a 49er! Sure, I used to be quite particular about specs design but nowadays, to get a specs that can show me the alphabets clearly is good enough for me! I used to hear one fella in my office who tells me that he/she has good vision and will not need any glasses, period. But today, that claim of Superman/Superwoman vision turned out to be Superwimp vision,okay? Wear the damn glasses if you can't see well and started acting your age plus piss properly IN the toilet bowl and NOT OUT or ON of the bowl, please! Some people just won't understand the difference and they blame it on the difficult English Language!!!! I'm telling you - It's the eye sight, people and the physical skills to do it properly! Please for crying out loud, get it right, will ya?
I have also experienced that sleep is a luxury while keeping awake is another way of life as a 49er. I am frustrated to my bones that I am unable to sleep early despite downing my favourite brew, coffee. People, let me get it straight to you, coffee calms me and make me sleep. It is not the other way round. I guess, my biological organs in my body got struck by lightning or some high electrical voltage currents during my 17 years of work in the private sector that led to such phenomenon. I have taken the nocturnal role in the night and try sleep on my job in the mornings and afternoons! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... Ok!Ok! I was just kidding about sleeping on my job but an occasional forty winks beneath the tree can be quite refreshing though........ I guess, the other factor is being worrying about the progress of children's lives , right? Well, what can I say? They will always be a constant worry for any parent for that matter!!
Guests, friends, doctors and quack doctors ( self proclaimed doctors without the actual medical cert but experienced hand at modern medicine and Chinese herbals/medicinal herbs & spices ) in good friends had explained to me seriously that because the mind activity is very active, thus, it led to me being awake most of the time. Some recommended yoga ( the art of getting all the legs and hands twisted in all sorts of contortions - No thank you,baby! ) , simple walking in the evening or morning , pole dancing for relaxation ( hhmmmmnnnnn....interesting thought but twisting myself around a pole looks weird for a 49er la! ) and getting into an exercise mode and eat well. Sure, I am all for the eating well part, especially with char siew, siew york, siew mai and all that is siew and the york! It is the best staple ever. Then comes the exercise, hey, waking up and going to the bathroom and getting dressed for work is exercise I tell you especially if you have to iron your clothes and so on! That's fine with me. Guess, gonna do more exercise then.
Seriously, I am fine for being a 49er. I look forward to life and I certainly felt good turning 49. I guess, I was really blessed by the early morning breakfast prepared by SLing and the gift from the children and missy. What more could I have asked for? Honestly , my only wish each year is to be happy internally and it will be propelled externally. Honestly, I am just happy that I am alive each day and living every minute of my life to the fullest. I may not be rich materially but I felt very rich already with great family and great good friends around. Some may say that I am too simple minded, too idealistic and have no vision in life then but isn't being happy a vision itself?
I intend to live out the remaining years of my life no matter how many years I may have with the same vigor of life, enthusiasm with love with and for the the family and hope. Not hope to get younger la....but hope that this country of ours would be governed and ruled by clean, honest and leaders of integrity. Sick of corrupted, racist and moronic leaders! Well, fat hopes, some may say but there is always hope, right?
I have also experienced that sleep is a luxury while keeping awake is another way of life as a 49er. I am frustrated to my bones that I am unable to sleep early despite downing my favourite brew, coffee. People, let me get it straight to you, coffee calms me and make me sleep. It is not the other way round. I guess, my biological organs in my body got struck by lightning or some high electrical voltage currents during my 17 years of work in the private sector that led to such phenomenon. I have taken the nocturnal role in the night and try sleep on my job in the mornings and afternoons! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... Ok!Ok! I was just kidding about sleeping on my job but an occasional forty winks beneath the tree can be quite refreshing though........ I guess, the other factor is being worrying about the progress of children's lives , right? Well, what can I say? They will always be a constant worry for any parent for that matter!!
Guests, friends, doctors and quack doctors ( self proclaimed doctors without the actual medical cert but experienced hand at modern medicine and Chinese herbals/medicinal herbs & spices ) in good friends had explained to me seriously that because the mind activity is very active, thus, it led to me being awake most of the time. Some recommended yoga ( the art of getting all the legs and hands twisted in all sorts of contortions - No thank you,baby! ) , simple walking in the evening or morning , pole dancing for relaxation ( hhmmmmnnnnn....interesting thought but twisting myself around a pole looks weird for a 49er la! ) and getting into an exercise mode and eat well. Sure, I am all for the eating well part, especially with char siew, siew york, siew mai and all that is siew and the york! It is the best staple ever. Then comes the exercise, hey, waking up and going to the bathroom and getting dressed for work is exercise I tell you especially if you have to iron your clothes and so on! That's fine with me. Guess, gonna do more exercise then.
Seriously, I am fine for being a 49er. I look forward to life and I certainly felt good turning 49. I guess, I was really blessed by the early morning breakfast prepared by SLing and the gift from the children and missy. What more could I have asked for? Honestly , my only wish each year is to be happy internally and it will be propelled externally. Honestly, I am just happy that I am alive each day and living every minute of my life to the fullest. I may not be rich materially but I felt very rich already with great family and great good friends around. Some may say that I am too simple minded, too idealistic and have no vision in life then but isn't being happy a vision itself?
I intend to live out the remaining years of my life no matter how many years I may have with the same vigor of life, enthusiasm with love with and for the the family and hope. Not hope to get younger la....but hope that this country of ours would be governed and ruled by clean, honest and leaders of integrity. Sick of corrupted, racist and moronic leaders! Well, fat hopes, some may say but there is always hope, right?
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