Last Saturday, I spent some blissful intelligent time with SLing which was long overdue due to our individual work commitments and activities. Actually, I was the real culprit in not being able to get myself torn away from work and also other commitments. Thereby, last Saturday, I decided not to let go of the opportunity to spend some quality time with SLing after work that day. Though I dreaded the afternoon traffic of voluminous musing tourists and ignorant local travelers that clogged the Melaka streets every weekend while choking us, the locals of our weekend pleasures, I was determined to fight tooth and nail for that little ounce of enjoyment with SLing in town. And so I did!

Anyway, we headed out to Jonker Walk and kept our eyes peeled upon chancing the cafe called The Daily Fix Cafe.When we finally found it, we sighed a great relief while my tummy rumblings did not make nice sounds to begin with. I was glad that we found the cafe and as we proceeded our way to the mid/back section of the shop, the cafe settings popped up nicely. Simple, rustic and nice are what I would describe the settings. I am a sucker for relics and things from the early years and this place has a sizable portion of that. The combo of new and old chairs plus tables helped make this place quintessentially rustic and a place where probably younger crowd would enjoy. Earlier SLing and I sat at the front but as there was an opening at the back, we decided to take the back seats as at least we could rest well after walking down the streets looking for this place. I then pointed out gleefully to SLing the array of dulangs ( metal serving trays ) adorning the brick wall. I could remember some design of it because we used to have those items at our home before. I then saw the nicely kept wedding metal dulangs, cups, basins and so on. So nostalgic indeed as most Chinese family would be able to be associated with this. I jokingly told SLing that I had seen the metal painted basin and metal painted cups in one of the hotel in Seremban during my early days of courting her. Not forgetting the "Good Morning" towel and sabun potong!!!!! In those days, I could not sleep at her house as her mom was very strict then of house rules. I respected that and I believe that was a good ruling though being a young fella I could not understand it then.

We ordered the Ciabatta Ham sandwich ( excellent taste though ), banana pancakes with maple syrup ( equally nice ) and some fanciful name Machaiata Latte which was virtually Green Tea Latte. These little bites were good for afternoon snacks and tea time delight. They weren't char koay teow or kuey teow theng, yunno but they are alright for tea time fare. I must say, I was expecting more but I wasn't terribly upset or down as it was a cafe and what do you expect from cafe, I told myself. I felt prices was a little bit steep but expected of a tourist attraction area. Maybe not so pricey for tourists or local travelers but for locals like me, the prices can be quite a stiff. I am not against locals making their money because of the popular tourist area, good food and nice ambiance and all that plus everyone has got to make a living, right? Well, I am only for fair price for fair food. Maybe I am just not well educated yet for these cafe types of food and prices, so I guess, I've gotta learn to adapt, huh? Overall, the experience was still good as I get to spend my afternoon with SLing at a cosy, easy going and cool place, actually. It is a place to go to with friends and spend some time having fun reminiscing the good ol' times.
I am looking out for another place to go with SLing as always though I know that the times we get to spend together can be quite sparse especially with my mental block on town jams, human traffic jams, kiasus, kiasis and pure laziness and plodding your ass on the bed amidst blistering afternoon in an air-conditioned room seemed so much easier of an option!!
Well, somehow, good ol' Aik Cheong kopi-o seemed so much better with yue char kueh and ham chin peng, right? I don't know about you but I am a thoroughbred Malaccan at heart,man!
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