Thursday, June 19, 2008

Masage Pen....Hmmnnn..An interesting thought

A good Samaritan gave me massage pens a few days ago and I was amazed by it. The top half is powered by a small size battery while the botom side is a writing pen with a twist! The explanation was simply "to kill two birds with one stone" thingy! One to soothe the stress away by the vibrating top while to finish your work with the other end. Did it work? Sure! It really works! It ain't the actual thing but it's the best thing poor guys like me could try out.
It is nicely placed in a silver box with instruction papers & battery included. God ! What will they think of next! I thank people like the good Samaritan for taking the trouble to pass me something like this unlike some organisations who only hoard items rather than giving them out or worst still, sells them! Isn't it in the word of the Lord that says " Freely you have received, freely give." ?

Be rest assured that these items together a host of items received and blessed by so many good Samaritans will be put in good use in the coming event. As for the massage pen,'s bzzzzzz.................... a .......bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............classic !

Three cheers for good hearted people!

1 comment:

crownbacca said...

I dont think that the pen is to be used for massaging ;)