I guess, the best part of the trip was the elephant ride for all the young children.
They gleefully agreed to do the elephant ride while it was still within our budget to give them a ride of their lives. I was told that the elephant's name was Honey and she is from Thailand. Such a huge animal with a such a gentle name. I guess, what brought a lot of cheer to my heart was were the smiling faces of the children. It brought a lot of good cheer to my heart. I guess, in a ministry such as ours, it is good to have a great time with these young lives. I wouldn't be surprised that one day, these young ones would grow up and talk about this ride even when I am no more on this earth. Such is the impact we can do for the lives of these young ones!
To me, what ever is done today had been the norm in the Royal Rangers Ministry. My leaders and I want to impact lives by reaching , teaching and keeping children for Christ!
We need not do it by the books but we certainly can do it with the lives we share through activities like this where we introduced the beauty of God's creation and getting the children to appreciate God's creation. Tell me the truth- how many parents actually have the time to bring their children to zoo nowadays or share some classic times like riding on the back of a Thai elephant on a Sunday afternoon? Hmmnnnn..... guilty as charged , right? Well, this is not taking you on a guilt trip, ok? I am sure we all have our own reasons - one way or another. The leaders and I just want to bless these children's lives - no ifs , not buts , no hesitation! Just do it! Many times, as leaders, we procrastinate a lot and by then, lives are lost and catching up time is equally lost. That is why ministries are important. Each ministry in our church today serves different functionality but one to bring up a God-fearing and loving children in our society today.
That's why I have been in this ministry for the past 10 years now seeing lives being touched by God and changed by God, seeing young boys & girls grow up as leaders and later start their own family imparting to their children the very same ideas and principles we have taught all these years.
To me, what ever is done today had been the norm in the Royal Rangers Ministry. My leaders and I want to impact lives by reaching , teaching and keeping children for Christ!
Like I have always said, to me, seeing the joy on the faces of the children is itself a reward to my humble heart. To hear a boy/girl asks " Comdr. Ivan, when is the next meeting?" with his/her sweaty, smiling and rosy cheeks brings lots of good cheer to my heart and soul. That is the indication that I am serving the Lord in my fullest capacity and ability. I take heart that I have made at least one boy or one girl smile and be happy by my presence today. To me, no one can rob that reward and satisfaction from my heart today! BTW, my leaders and I are tired to our bones catching up with the children's pace but with God's help, we will do our best!~
Hear! Hear! Wah...10 years! I salute you! Jason & I are so glad that u all went to the zoo! When we told Sean & Aidan that morning that they are gonna join the Rangers, they protested and finally insisted we be there. At the end of it, Sean declared that he wanna attend RR every week! Mission accomplished Cmdr! :)
Now....how to get them to eat whatever's served? Hmmmmmm.......
Hi Liz,
Thank you for the support. Good for the children! I have been blessed by the lives! Eating part....leave it to us......
It's so good to see these pics. One day, perhaps 15 years later, someone will post it on facebook when one of these kenik-kenik, small-small ones get married.
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