What do you get when you have 11 smart, energetic, innocent-looking and fearless children in a camp? You get a gastronomically joyful, stressed and energy-sapping joyful pandemonium! Yup, that's what you'll get!! That's how I felt during the RR Ranger Kids Slumber Night Camp 2010. Firstly, I must thank God for making this camp a real success while young lives are being transformed and moulded. I also must thank the young RR leaders for taking the courage to help helm the leadership role for this camp. People like Comdr. Ivy, Comdr Stephen Raj, Comdr. John Ng, Comdr.Joa Wee together with their helpers, Matthew, AR Shwu Yuen, AR Josephine, AR Jocelyn and Julien Gan had been a tremendous help in ensuring these young nutcracking kiddos are on their leash at all times!
It is indeed always a privilege to have Comdr. Steven, Comdr. Jessica, Comdr. Jason, my wife, SLing and good friend of the ministry, Jenny for helping out in the camp. Though we were all physically and mentally exhausted at the end of the day but the joy of being able to be an inspiration to the younger ones are itself a great reward. Nothing beat seeing smiley faces, quirky faces and even crying faces on these young ones. Their lives and their expressions tell you a story itself of who they are and what they are. Well, I was more delighted that we shared very good times with the children, roughing out in games, fun and sleeping places, scrambling for food and taking part in fun activities. Ah..... what a barrel memory of fun!

We started out by setting up tents in front of the chalets. The weather started out mighty fine till later in the night where it belted out it's blitzkrieg of lightning and serious claps of thunder. But we weren't fazed by it. Not one kid shudder in fear or had any fears after the wonderful sharing by Comdr. Tan Bee Ling, our speaker for the night. Pitching up the tents were a great way to see the interaction between the younger ones. You could see some "mandors" around but at the same time you can see the real "kulis" around. I guess, being first timers to camping, there were a lot of apprehension in working together for these kiddos. But soon, the leaders gelled them together to put up the tents.

It was good to see the camaraderie spirit among the kiddos. Then, it off for a camp briefing and distribution of Camp Booklet & Camp Activity Book. For this year's camp, the commanders had decided to think out of the box and get the kiddos to participate actively in gathering leaves, flowers and go back to the nature trail. After the briefing, we had lunch and again, a tussle of feeding the kiddos with food started out. It was fun to see the kiddos trying to wiggle out of their way from consuming their vegetables, chicken, fishball and rice. Well, in Rangers camp, they don't get away with it. So, no matter what , they would have to swallow some of the food in one way or another. Then it was off to the obstacle course and the barrel of fun started. You could immediately see the change in attitude and their eyes tripled in size with sheer delight!

That's children! So, they tried out every imaginable obstacle course down there and at the end of the day, there were happiness and smiles on their faces. It was wonderful to hear their chuckles, their cajoling, their teasing to each other and even their constant ways of trying to outdo one another. Then it was back to the chalet for some more fun in barnock wrapped on sausage which I will call Pig-on-a-Stick time! I will tell you this - the children just love sausages! I taught them on how to prepare the dough and also to get the dough onto the sausage and toast it over a wood fire. It was a fun time for the commanders and the children. After completing this task, they went on their nature walk time and we started to prepare for dinner. Comdr. Jessica had prepared "Macaroni in creamy mushroom soup with sausages!

Yummy, yummy! The children had their stomach filled before Comdr. Bee Ling shared the Word of the Lord. I am blessed by Comdr. Bee Ling's sharing and so did the children. Comdr. Bee Ling shared on the need to love God , to do the things of God and to love one self as God would have loved us. Thank you, Bee Ling. We have been blessed!
To top off a great day, the children and the commanders shared some home-made waffles. Yup, I had prepared the waffles batter the day before and it was being wolfed down before the waffles maker machine could churned out more waffles. Every waffle which was being produced was snapped up almost immediately after it was cut to a desired size. Topped with peanut butter, jam and chocolate, you could see the hungry wolves pack.........hahahahahaha.........all in all, it was a fun day.

As the children lay down to sleep that night, Comdr. Errol and myself were awake most of the times to take care of the children as the rain pelted the thatched roofing of the chalet. Comdr. Errol lie down near the front door while I lay near the midsection door. Afterall, you will never know which children is going to sleep walk and so on, So, it was good for us to be awake. Praise God that the children slept peacefully that night.
We then had an inspirational morning devotion by Comdr.Jason and the children were treated with a fare of cruelties that had happened to children in our country. Comdr. Jason spoke on the need to love God and to love others too. The children were blessed with the message that was shared by Comdr. Jason.

After a sumptuous breakfast of bread, egg sandwich and other fares, it was time to souvenir presentation. There was a joyful ruckus as we gave out the souvenirs. We even had everyone laughing in stitches over the "DO GOOD" pledge. Well, we have decided that all those "naughty" ones to take the pledge of being a better camper the next time! It was such a fun, really! Every camper had a souvenir pack as usual and the Best Camper Award went to Caleb & Joshua Moy. These two wonderful children are really obedient, fun and really cool kiddos. We were all blessed with their characters, the way they act, behave and talk and also their pleasant disposition. Bravo to Caleb & Joshua Moy!
Again, as the parents took them back home after the camp, I sighed a big relief.

I will never know what these young tots have to say to their parents about the camp and about the commanders but I will lived with that. To me, I am relieved that God had made it happen and blessed the commanders and helpers with strength and courage. Another round of fun, a different set of children completely and another year of moulding lives. I guess, I am resigned to the fact that we are in the character moulding ministry and what a privilege. What a privilege indeed. Despite our not-so-young bodies being punished over and over again during the activity sessions, I am eternally grateful to my fellow commanders, young & old, who had given their best during the camp. What a joy when you get leaders and children having a great time in fun, in test and in play. Praise God for that privilege and Praise God for the joy, fun and laughter!

A young boy stepped up to me after the camp and asked me this " Commander, will you have another camp soon? I want to join again. Thank you, commander." I just looked at this boy , hugged him and just smiled. My heart is already filled with joy.
That is the best present from God to me!~ Wouldn't you agree?
P/s Best Campers - Caleb & Joshua Moy