Ryan has become somewhat of a movie specialist. He seemed to remember every conversation in his new Toy Story movie including his favourite rendition of " Noooooooooo" and Buzz Lightyear stance. He is smart , witty, smiley but moody! Always a joy to be with but choosy with his meals. Other than that , he is growing up nicely though. We even gave him his favourite treat Lays potato chip with seaweed flavour. He was smiling ear to ear and somehow his eyes seemed to sparkle ever brighter!! Anyway, when he strips for his bath, I could still count his guitar string ribs..... Hmmmnnnn..... I wonder if a meal of my staple food, pork, on a regular basis, would put some meat into that knockout body of bones! Hahahhahahahhaahhahahahaaaaaaa........
Then we turned our attention to take care of Ashley. Wow! She has grown a bit and still a smiley girl as ever. She has grown stronger too and picking her up in my arms was heavenly. She is a real delight. She laughed and smiled a lot nowadays. Her chuckles were sweet and nice too. Yunno, she has such a sweet disposition and she exuberates so much life and radiance when she smiles. I really love having her in my arms. I guess, wonderful children [ Ryan & Ashley ] does that to you. They just ...............hmmmmmmnnnnnn.......grow on you!
Aaaaarrrrggggggggghhhhh! I miss the children already!
Definitely so very true :)
I know you and family are busy, do come back more often. :)
I'm sure Ryan and Ashley miss his/her "Gu Ma" and "Ah Cheoong" alot.
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