Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ashley is ONE...

The last few days had been truly a blessing for me and the family in many ways. It was a time for us to catch up on our favourite niece, Ashley. She really has grown so much and she is on the verge of doing steps. Wow! She really has grown and she is cuter now. Though she has this aloof look [ must have got that aloof look from SLing! ] or sometimes blurry look, she is so cheery in her ways of moving about and exhaustively active. She can't keep still for a minute and she would wiggle her way through. Her favourite place were the curtains and she really kinda enjoy them a lot. The other thing I like her is her drooling saliva. It is either she is trying to put her mark on all her stuff like her brother, Ryan used to do or she is just after food!
Ashley is really cute and kinda witty in a way. Boy! She has a fiery temper too and such strength too. I remember one scene while "defending" her new toys from her birthday collection, she sunk her 4 small teeth into Ryan's arm! What a sight! hahahahahaaaaaa........who says girls are timid, huh? Yeah, that's my niece! Anyway, she doesn't cry that much and she doesn't wailed loudly like a hailer, so, that's a bonus. I just love her birthday cake. Beautiful piece of artwork cake. It is really worthwhile having such a beautiful cake. It reminds me of the AFC program, "Cake Boss" and it is superbly constructed chocolate cake. Absolutely fabulous cake and a real delight to the eyes and the tummy! Kudos to Jade & Wei for ordering such a beautiful cake for their daughter. Really, really a nice looking cake, man. Before this, there was a flurry of decorations to put up - on the walls, on the doors, on the lamp stands etc.etc. It was really fun and exciting.
Before cake cutting, we went to have dinner in a restaurant. The food was really surprisingly good and I thoroughly enjoyed it very much. We had steamed garoupa fish, steamed chicken with ham slices, prawn salad ( gorgeous and succulent prawns! Yummy! ), fried pork ribs, and black pepper venison. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! It was good to have Jade's dad, brother and sister-in -law plus Tracy joining us for dinner and cake cutting celebrations. Only Jade's sister and mom who are in US were not around to join in the celebrations but via Skype that morning, they have sung happy birthday song to Ashley. BTW, dedicated AhYee ( Jade's sister ) and grandma ( Jade's mom ) are on the other side of the continent having a ball of time on their own.
Yunno, Ashley looked very cute that day and with all the pageantry, she was the star. It was really nice to see her smile and laughed amidst her stoic and no nonsense look! Hahahahahahaaaaaaa..........BTW, she is also very smart and I love seeing her having her milk time. She would roll from one end to another like the Hindustani movies and having her milk bottle in her hands. She would also move from side to side but the bottle never leaving her lips. We called it her pattern! She is so adorable and funny in a way.
So to Ashley, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girl!~

1 comment:

Jade said...

Once again, thank you so much for you all for everything. :)