Last weekend, I had the most wonderful eye-opener and get a dose of what friendship really means. This group of caring friends [ as close as family , actually! ] spoke to me on a lot of matters ranging from career to personal life to family matters. There was so many messages sent, some hard hitting and explosive facts, some defensive deployment but the atmosphere is really terrific and of respect. There was no malice intended, there was no hostilities, there was just pure raw love. Like any other raw/tough love, you've gotta sit up and listen. Sit up and listen I did! There is simply no personal agendas nor intrusion into anyone's life for that matter but of best interest and pure care in full view. Yes, I bear the brunt of much that was discussed but I was very comfortable with it and I know I still have a lot of work to do in my life journey. Friends or rather, family, just poured out their views and advices as should and I take it all in good spirit because they meant well in what they say. I have always believed that if so-called BFF just butters everything you say then that is not real friendship - that's stupidity or feeding the devil, as I would call it. Good friends are friends/family that are able to speak freely without fear nor favour but in a great stern of logic, care and concern. I guess, my friends saw a concern and they addressed it with great finesse and great effort. I really appreciate what they said to me. Those are words that comes from loving hearts and I really felt blessed by it. As a hard man as I am and as cow as I am [ they say confession is good for the soul, right! ], I readily accepted their support, their criticism, their advices and their profound views. Sometimes, we are so absorbed with what we do lest we forget to see ourselves in many of the situations. That's why good friends will tell you the hard facts minus the sugar-coats and pull the cushion off our plush ass! I guess, at the end of it all and the beauty of it is that there is simply no ill feeling or bad vibes or even bad intentions noted. That, to me, is the epitome of what BFF [ Barking Facts Friends! ] really means.
So, I just want to say thanks to friends/family who had made last weekend a truly great time. One that cost me only spending a fraction of my time but the memory of kindness last a lifetime, friends. I cherished the friendship a lot and I know that I could not repay the kindness you have shown me or my family. I am truly blessed. I truly am!~
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