I believe deeply with all my heart that there is NEVER an intention of malice or ill feeling intended by far by anyone. It is just that when you spin stories after stories after a good outing- that ticks me off completely. How could one called a friend laughed so much, ate at the same table, share the same food, posed for fun filled time, took part in activities happily and had so much fun - came back and spin stories of unhappiness, bullying or even started shouting/mouthing vendettas. Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! It is not only very perplexing, hurting, total disrespect but blatantly outright selfish. If wanting attention is the main reason for the spin off of such blatant misfits, then, I suggest Ayurveda treatment for the brains! The other perplexing thing is that how could one actually get mad with the entire group of friends when travelling in a group. Sure, I made mistakes when I was in a group not because I am senselessly insensitive but because I am who I am - an imperfect human being. So were the rest of the group of people, I guess, if I or any other person in the world are perfect today, then , God would have to work overtime to return earlier than expected and all of us would have been raptured by now! Some to cooler places while some to hotter places, right? Look, we are all imperfect human beings. But to spin stories after stories that the people are insensitive to feelings, couldn't care less and what not , well, that is really far far out from the actual reasoning for anger and story spinning like a spoilt brat stuffed in an adult body. Look, travelling in a group has it's difficulties - logistically but always a fun thing. There is always a need of balance and a lot of "give and take" attitude when one does group travelling. Well, to be perfectly honest, I still bear the teasings and all the remarks after all these years because friends don't get hurt by such things! It only strengthens our level of respect for one another and maturity in group dynamics. It is a point of conversation and at the same time, a reflection of our silliness sometimes in which I find amusing too because we all make mistakes. There is NEVER malice intended when friends teased each other but the most important of all is to have the right attitude. In fact, it strengthens and deepened relationships and made it stronger because of this. Anyway, if any of writing today is offensive or my actions are an offence to any of you then, I apologised sincerely but don't get cocky nor proud because apology is meant sincerely from the heart and not to boost up your pride or in any way say that you are right in story spinning ways or you are right in your childish tantrums. If that is the reason for you to get your apology through throwing of childish tantrums then I must be the very first to disappoint you because only true friends apologised from the heart.
Sometimes, I stand dumbfounded when people don't see this at all.
To caution someone, to speak louder to someone or even to advise someone sometimes in a harsh overtones are NOT meant to belittle or to say anything less about that person or a test of that person's intelligence. In fact, I am told that I am SOPWD but who cares anyway. I have been called worst names before, anyway. I may not have an academic degree to my name or sometimes a.k.a. the "boh tuck chek" fella but I believe, I have reacted far better than the ones with an academic degree or the "tuck chek" people! Not all anyway- just a comparison-lar! There are really still many nice "tuck chek" people around!

I don't mince my words when I write what I feel and this time is no different. I really really felt very letdown by such mentality. My late dad used to tell me this: "The coin had two sides, son. Always give a chance to others even to the ones that hurt you." Personally, I know Dad is wise not because he had a string of degrees to his name but because he has a firm and caring heart. I think, he is wise eventhough he was in the category of silly old people without degree rapsheet! The very same rapsheet I am in right now or being labelled as! My last words on this matter : GOD, in all His might and splendour, would not even lift a finger to help you if you would not want to help/change yourself ! Take a nice cup of tea, sit in a corner, take a good look at yourself, reflect the times and go figure it out!~
BTW, my inspirational proverb for the day is this : Whoever eat the peppers , remember to drink lots of warm water -not the cold ones! Cold water is always a temporary relief. It is the wam water that soothes the heat!~
Me...I am done!~
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