Last Sunday morning while enjoying my wan tan mee as usual, my wife went to get Gardenia bread for our family. She came back fuming over the new price hike on bread while the proprietor told her that the price had gone up much earlier. I was sure that the price did not go up all of a sudden because I was sure I bought some bread about a week ago and it was still at RM 2.90. Anyway, I noted with interest that the price had indeed went up from the normal pricing. It was a hike of about 30 sen which is from RM 2.90 to a new price of RM 3.20. That, my friends, is a 10.5% increase. Wah! This is really a lot. So, you know me-lah, I did some homework and I found out that the cap for white bread was only recently off on 1/1/2011. So, how could the proprietor say that the price increase happened some time back? Jeng!Jeng!Jeng! Gomen enforcement not doing their job, right?
OK, what the heck, generally, people will think that it is a small increase but there are other cost of essentials that have gone up tremendously. One in particular that comes in my mind is the cooking gas which is RM 28.00 per tank today. BTW, have you looked into the cooking oil pricing lately? You haven't , right? I've got news for you and when you scroll further down, the facts will be unveiled. Anyway, the last time our family paid for cooking gas tank was at RM 22.50 which was not too long ago! I seriously don't know if you realised it or not but everything seemed to be spiralling upwards like we are a bunch of rich citizens in our aristocratic country.
Well, something is extremely wrong when prices goes up and the public have to bear the brunt or rather a bulk of that increase. Look at the prices of garlic today and it was announced not too long ago that my favourite meat, the pork, is going to have an increase in price due to shortages for the coming festive season! Shortage, shortage, shortage [ tearing out some hairs! ] , my foot! Some idiotic people are making money somewhere is all I can say! Every time a price increase is due, it will be the same excuses - feed shortages-lah, feed getting expensive-lah, vegetables didn't grow properly-lah, ground infested with chemicals-lah, rainy season-lah, hot season-lah, sea very rough-lah, shortage of ice-lah, insecticide and pesticide price increase-lah, packaging material increase-lah, fuel price increase-lah , labour cost goes up-lah, transportation cost goes up-lah, government policy-lah and so many other reasonings & a bunch of flowery excuses. Try giving these excuses to the PM and asked him to bear the brunt of the cost increase, please!
For those sceptics who says this increase is small and unavoidable, well, I did my homework and checked at Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan site for Senarai Harga Barang Kawalan. Here are some interesting fact for you to digest and digress.
Sugar - Priced at RM 2.10 [ Coarse ] and RM 2.20 [ Fine ] - increase of 20sen since 4/12/2010
Petrol - RON95 [ RM 1.90 ] , Diesel [ RM 1.80 ] & LPG [ RM 1.90 ] - increase 5 sen since 4/12/2010
Flour - RM 1.35 per kg meaning RM 1,350.00 per tonne [ So, how come bread price goes up,huh?]
Cooking Oil [ Pure Palm Oil ] - RM 13.35 for 5kg
Cooking Oil [ Palm Oil Mixture ] - RM 14.70 for 5kg
The following is more interesting:-
Steel - Price cap off on 12/5/2008 [ We can't eat steel ! ]
Chicken - Price cap off on 1/6/2008 [ Didn't see chicken price drop-leh!]
Cement - Price cap off on 5/6/2008 [ We can't swallow cement either! Probably more important for the Mafias for their execution jobs ! ]
Condensed Milk - Price cap off on 1/4/2009 [ Interestingly, we can't feed babies with this and teh tarik keep increasing in price! ]
White Bread - Price cap off on 1/1/2011 [ No wonderlah, the bread slices at Hainanese coffee shops keep increasing ! ]
See....you get what I mean? Where is the enforcement? Everyone can spew all hell and fury over the need to cut cost and the burdensome worry of the rakyat and speak till the saliva frothed and dribbled over the mouth but my question simply this : Where is the enforcement part of the gomen? So, do we, the tax payers, have to put up with price increase every now and then while the enforcement officers asks " apa macam boleh settle?"
I bet you can see my voting bend in the coming elections. Oh! How I wish it would come soon so that I can put a big sure "X" at the ballot papers. Ah! I am a kacang putih voter-lah. No need to worry about us, right? Well, to the leaders of our nation today please, please, continue to overlook kacang putih voters like us. We don't make much difference-lar........
Yes, the ministers tell us to eat home cooked meals, plant our own veg, be thrifty, buy only necessities, yadah, yadah, yadah while they spend our money like water on by elections, sprucing up someone's official residence (to the tune of 65mil!!) - he should lead by example by living in a modest home - sprucing up dunno what somemore building...all excuses. We, the rakyat are really ripped off by these ppl who are supposed to lead us.
Right on, sister! Really spot on! It is really disheartening when all of us are trying to keep the family living afloat but we continually get pushed down by the rising costs these days! Sheez!
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