Peddling a trishaw to finance poor students, Mr. Bai Fang Li touched the people of China. This is a story of an ordinary trishaw peddler who is well-known in Tianjin. From the age of 74, Mr. Bai Fang Li has supported hundreds of poor students using the money he earned from peddling his trishaw. In fifteen years time, he has contributed more than 350,000 yuan to finance more than 300 poor students in their tuition fees and living expenses, helping them complete their studies. For almost twenty years, this elder peddled his trishaw to earn yuan by yuan to save up for his donations.
This thin and skinny elder did not keep any money or property for himself, what he has left is only his selfless spirit and love. Nobody really knows how many poor students have Mr. Bai Fang Li supported. His lunch was two buns and plain water. Luxury to him was the sauce he put in his water. Dinner was a piece of meat or an egg. What he wore was from what he picks from the dump. An extra was a luxury. 

Mr.Bai Fang Li paddled 365 days every year, in snowy conditions or in the soaring heat. He started at 6.00am every morning and finished at 7.00pm to 8.00pm every night. It has been calculated that over the years, Mr. Bai Fang Li has peddled equivalent to going round the Earth's equator for 18 times. Mr. Bai never thought to be rewarded. The money that he donated went through schools for needy students. The old man never inquired about the student's name. When asked about what he expected of the children, his humble reply was, " I only want them to study hard, get a good job, be a good person and to give back to the country."
In the year 2001, Mr Bai Fang Li, aged 90 years old, donated his last sum of money. By this time, he was unable to peddle trishaw anymore but instead, he looked after people's car at the station and saved up 500 yuan. He arranged and neatly saved his 500yuan in a box and handed over the money to Yao Hua School saying, " I cannot work anymore. I can no longer donate money to others and this shall be my last." All the teachers in that school wept that day for they know the significance of this man's sacrifice.
Mr.Bai Fang Li, a rich poor man passed away on 2nd September, 2005 in a hospital. Many turned up for his funeral and many wept openly knowing that here lies a man who had given his best twenty years of life so that students in schools can see a better future. He was the epitome for the phrase, "A special love to a special you."
Somehow, I really wish that God would move and impressed the hearts of the people to be more like Mr.Bai Fang Li in our cold, racialistic and cruel world today. Let's make a commitment to bless someone today - even the gift of a smile would go a long way to make this world a better place to live in. God is watching. He, the Almighty is always watching!~
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