Happy days in Seremban is all I could say when we spend time with our beloved nephew and niece. Definitely have grown up and have added up their value as extreme heartwarmers indeed. Ryan and Ashley has truly grown up so fast and started talking audibly instead of being jibberrish! It was really fun to be able to be with them. So innocently sweet in their speech and action. There was this time when my wife was showing a flash card to Ryan and it says "Fat - Thin" and Ryan answered, " Fat like Ah John ( my nickname by this little fella ) and Thin like Ryan! " I burst out laughing together with SLing and we just hug the little fella. Luckily it wasn't "Fat like Ku mah" or else the pillows will feel the wrath of unconsolable woman's fury!!!

Hahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............ Anyway, I was transported back to my childhood days when SLing carried out a deck of flash card on flags of the world. I think, I did some mistakes on the Scandinavian countries but other than that, it was correct all the way. Yup, Impressed the daylights out of SLing indeed and it was fun! Even Ryan quipped " Ah John know...yeah.." Yup, pretty hard to impress little fellas because they have more tricks under their sleeves than magicians,man!
As for Ashley, she is constantly on her toes while walking and she looks like a fairy,man! Twinkletoes Ashley - that's what I called her. So adorable but her engine warms up quite slow.

Once she got used to you, she is such a delight. Love this adorable girl but she packs a real crying power when she flex those crying mechanism sacks under her eyes! Just a delightful little baby. She eats well and it is so fun when you get to see children like Ashley eating their food and grow up nicely. So bouncy bubbly and fun.
Yup , we celebrated SLing's mom birthday and had a great time with Ryan and Ashley blowing out the candles for her! Well, I was sure that somehow a good portion of Ryan's and Ashley's saliva did land on the cake as he/she did his/her best to blow out the candles. I am not eating that portion or did I? Hmmmmnnnnnn.........I wouldn't know..........I really wouldn't know.......hahhaahhahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......

Must have eaten it for my breakfast the following morning! All in all, it was a good weekend. So very very thankful to Wei & Jade who treated us to some of the best food we've ever tasted every time we get back to Seremban and having us over in the weekend. So, thanks again, Wei & Jade!
Everytime SLing and I together with our children take a trip back to Seremban, we are filled not just with good food but endless joy & memories spent with the family. It may not be in so many days but the memories are just so priceless.....
One word of advice - don't be caught up in our world's rat race today or spending time gloating over missed opportunities. Make the time while spending time with family makes it all so worthwhile. You will never know what is in store for family time. Afterall, God always had the family at heart!~ No two ways about it!~ Cheers.
We always happy that SLing, you and kids coming back to Seremban. Ryan and Ashley miss you all. :) Do come back more often.
Hi Jade,
Will try to do so as much as possible. :) Already missing the two kiddos a lot!~
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