Comdr: When you grow up, what do you want to be?
11year old : Eat & sleep in the toilet!
Comdr: When you grow up, what do you want to be?
11 year old : Dunno [ **looking sheepishly ** ]
Comdr: Join in the activity, now!
6 year old : I don't want. They squeezed my hand so tight!
11 year old : Throw me! Throw me in the pool!
Comdr: Aiyah, you are so heavy now! [ Clutching back and feeling the pain! ]
7 year old : Don't eat the green and orange spiral pasta, they are vegetables!
Comdr: Eat it or you'll have to starve!
11 year old : Haiyah! Contact me-lar if you want to know....... My handphone number is XXX - XXXXXX! Aiyoo, so easy. Like that also cannot remember-meh?
8 year old and 10 year old : Repeat! Repeat! [ As though they could remember the number! **eyes rolling**! ]
Comdr: what shall we do with naughty children?
8 year old : Throw them to the crocodiles!
7 year old whispering to another 7 year old : Let's get together and pull.....pants down! [** Snickering and laughing together** ]
6 year old: Comdr, why is there so much food to eat?
Comdr: Don't ever lean over this wall or else you will fall off the building.
6 year old & 7 year old : Cool, then we can see if we have wings to fly and turn into Ben 10.......
Comdr: Whose wet clothes and underwear are these?
6 year old : Haiyah, they are my clothes. They were dry when I had them. So, when they are wet, I left them on the floor.
Comdr: Why do you like to join RK camps?
11 year old: Because of the gifts! [ **Grinning from ear to ear!** ]
Comdr: Is the pasta good?
7 year old : Yes, at least it is not sour!
8 year old : Comdr, I can't sleep last night. You snore so loud. Your nose blocked-ah?
9 year old : Aiyah, wrong answer again! I am eating the waffles!
7 year old : Stop taking my sausages! [ **Putting saliva on the sausage**! ]
Oh my! Macam-macam ragam! I'd LURVE to know who said what! I think i can guess some. hahaha!
No worries....lovely children and will keep it that way!~ Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa.....they are still a joy to be with!~
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