We gathered at about 8.00am at our church sanctuary and by the way the luggages arrived as the children checked-in for the camp, I thought some of them are running away from their home with their humongously big luggages! Anyway, old habits die hard for these parents in terms of packing clothes and food stuff for their children! Anyway, it doesn't seemed to bother me as the parents are the one who are going to wash all those extra clothes knowing how these young children stuff their clothes in the bags later!
Anyway, upon our arrival at our camp accommodation - Tanjung Samudera Condo in Pantai Kundor, Melaka, there were lots of "ooohs" and "aaahhs" from the children. As we took the lift to the 15th floor and alighted from the lift where our accommodation was for the day, the children were greeted with a strong gentle breeze and a breathtaking view of Pantai Kundor town plus the surrounding areas. It was clearly a great sight. From then on, fun filled our days as the children played games after games and resting only for lunch and more food. Comdr. Stefanie and team played games with the children while Comdr. Errol & Comdr. Jessica churned out the pasta meals, tea break goodies and the BBQ meal.
It all started out with Crazy Golf Competition under the charge of Comdr. Steven and supervised by the younger commanders like Comdr. Bryan Lee, Stephen Raj, Comdr. John Ng, Comdr. Stefanie, AR Josephine, AR Jocelyn, AR SYuen and AR Julien. After a competitive round of golfing, it was time to chow down some food and "MammaMia Pasta" was the order of the day! It was a sumptuous and delicious meal when you see the children lining up for second helpings!
As the adrenaline-filled and pumped up kids were filled in their bellies, Comdr. Errol & Comdr. Jessica carried out the Siesta Session 2 - Origami. It was fun seeing these children dishing out their talents at this simple art. The very purpose of this activity was to incalculate and expand their artistry talent & to build their confidence. Of late, we noted that these
young children lacked the fighting spirit in them. We also noted that they just give up too easily when things don't go right for them while thinking out of the box was something alien to them. So, Comdr. Errol & Jessica decided to do something about it and the easiest way was the origami way which teaches creativity, patience and delicate handling. It was really a fun time.
Then it's off to the beach for telematches -thrown in with a galore of thrill, spills, laughter and joy. After the telematches, it was off to the double swimming pool available at the condominium. What joyful ruckus they made and I laughed my heart out seeing the antics of these young ones. With BBQ chicken wings, sausages, tau kee and fish ball in a royale platter awaiting the children,
they ate heartily and there wasn't a sound in the air as they gobbled down the food. As always, I have been given the privilege to share the Word and I spoke on the Camp Scripture - Proverbs 16:3. It was a heartening experience for me to be able to bring the Word to the children.
To cap off a good night, SLing took out our aromatic waffles batter to feed these delightful children. With generous splash of peanut butter, jam and Nuttela chocolate spread, some children had evidence of these goodness combination at the corner of their mouths! That night, as the children lay down to sleep, it was nice to note that they had a fruitful and fun day with each other and with the commanders. I am eternally grateful to the up and coming commanders who are truly the heroes of this camp.
The great effort, passion and love shown by Comdr.Stefanie, Bryan, John, Stephen Raj, Josephine, Jocelyn, SYuen, Julien are really applaudable and deserve praise. They did very well and this ministry, Royal Rangers Melaka # 1 truly is blessed to have them. People used to say to me that these young commanders had good senior commanders to teach them but I say, they are what they are because they love God and the children & that's all that matters to me. Their hearts and their passion are right and these are the most important elements as far as I am concerned. I am equally blessed to have Comdr. Errol, Jessica, Jason and Comdr Steven as my family in this ministry. Their dedication, their love and their commitment.... I have no words to describe them. It is always a joy and honour working alongside these leaders. 
So, to the parents out, I just want to say that this ministry is all about Him and moulding your child to be a better person. CHANGE and MOULD are what we want to do with your child and what we do BEST. I am so blessed when I see naughty/difficult/pampered or even indescribable children come into this ministry because I know, once, they have experienced the Rangers way, they will know the way! Yes, I am proud and blessed when I see children whom had passed this way, transformed body, mind and soul. It is a challenge indeed but a challenge I cherished a lot because the children are just so worth it -every ounce of my strength , my time and my intelligence! YES, we truly love this ministry- always have and always will!
YES, we will always be Winners with God!~
Hi! I am a Christian from the US. I randomly found your blog. Keep up the Good Work with kids!
Hi friend,
Just would like to thank you for dropping by. Indeed, your encouragement and kind words are kept close to my heart! Thanks again!~
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