I am appalled and virtually sick to my stomach when I read about the most absurd and notoriously racialistic piece of news from one of our Malay dailies. I have made it a point never to hit out at these medias uptill now. I find journalism in one of our Malay daily to be the most racial newspaper in print in our country today and they are still being supported by our government as no action was taken against such blatant stoking of racial and religious slur. I put it as plainly as I can , I call that pure rubbish and gutter journalism. When I was a young boy, Malay dailies supposedly helped me in my mastering of the Bahasa Melayu language and it was good factual reporting those days while articles were clear , concise and precise plus factual. But of late, I have nothing but heaps of disappointment and disgust for such murky/gutter journalism and the newspaper itself. If selling more copies of newspapers just to fill the coffers of the executives are the main purposes without fearing to stab to the hearts of the communities in this beloved country of ours, then, I call them the real traitors of this country. Sure, you will say that I am bias because I am a Christian or my views of a Christian but I want to say to you that I have never seen any violent uprising in our Christian community when something happens to our community in this country of ours. That, my friends, is teh REAL FACT! Take for example, the journalists who acted out and spat our the Holy Communion bread during the journalist's so-called "under cover ops" or even the burning of our churches or the stamping of our Holy Bibles. What do we do? We got together as a Christian community and churches to pray and forgave our perpetrators. We also got together as united Christians to pray for leaders in our nation including our PM and his cabinet ministers in our yearly 40 days fasting and prayer nationwide activity. We did not burn effigies or makes threats here and there. The most probable protest we made as a community that probably irked our editors and political heads is that we made changes in our ballot papers and it scares the hell out of our political leaders, right? Gosh, how could anyone conceived such blatant lies and scare tactics towards our fellow Malaysians of all race and religion? To me, that is irresponsible journalism of the highest level. If praying for leaders of our nation is considered a step towards building a Christian government in our land then I am afraid the editors of our Malay daily is sadly mistaken. Why? Simply because our government has always been a government of the kingdom of heaven. Meaning, each and every one of us wants to be accounted for when we go to heaven and that's far more important than anything else. The promise of ours is a promise of life in Heaven which is far more important than establishing an earthly kingdom here on earth. So, shame on you for coming out with incorrect facts, you nitwit editors! Yes, we will always have Christian politician and leaders in our country and community just like any other communities but they also have a responsibility to be good, fair, balanced and trustworthy Christian leaders in authority for the judgement of God on them is much harsher than the lame person. Afterall, they are called on to be just, trustworthy and honest. Don't you think that God will deal with them in the elections when they have gone wayward? Yes, I believe that corrupt leaders in our community will be weeded out by God in His time. Afterall, God is a JUST God!
BTW, Wesak Day is just round the corner. So, there will be a lot of meetings in Buddhist temples, chantings and specials prayers. So, to the Malay dailies editors and journalists, if they get together to have meetings, chantings and all night prayers , will they too be accused of plotting against the government to built a Buddhist nation? Will they not pray for our nation too? Ah Yes, Deepavali will be coming around the corner soon too. So, will the Indians be accused of trying to build a Hindu nation too? At the end of the day, all of us will end up in our country jail except the Malay dailies editors, jounalists and racist leaders because we are trying to establish a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu nation! Think about it! Just how silly some people can get and get away with murder, some more! Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! I smell a skunk in an office full of irresponsible editors and journalist!
The other question I would like to ask the so-call intellectual editors is simply this :- What benefits or satisfaction can our community achieved by having a racial and religious upheaval? What? Have you, as editors and journalist ever have the brains in the skull of yours to think of this? Does innocent blood have to flow from the bodies of our father, mother, sister,brother, children is what the editors and ultra racialistic so-called NGO wants? I really don't understand why such publications have to do this type of things just to sell papers! Just print honest, factual and community/nation building article rather than stoking racialism day after day in the print media and promote hatred and racialism of the highest point! Today, I want to vent and explicitly expressed my deepest disgust to our PM and our so-called useless Home Minister for allowing such undesirable elements and corrupt plus bankrupt political leaders who heads such NGOs to stoke racial tensions. If ever the country is ever to go down in history for another decade of chaos and bloodshed, the innocent blood flow is in the hand of our irresponsible PM and his cabinet of minister including the Home Minister himself. Mind you, these are people who had helmed the country for so long and yet do nothing to stop such racial abuse. What makes it worst is that the racial abuse starts from the very rot at the top of our government food chain.
As a Malaysian, I am ashamed that my country is held at ransom by such editors, journalists and leaders who are so blinded by racial slur and religious fanaticism. I want to further puke when a former PM whom I used to admire had totally missed the plot in our nation building today by following the same route of shameful racialism traits and supporting an equally racist NGO leader who spew nothing good but scorn, racial darts and poison in our country today. Where is our nation heading today? God knows and hopefully, the ballot papers will tell soon!
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