OK!OK! Seriously, I was just joking. Of course, I do have heartache over the medical bill I had to pay for the post medical checkup but this is definiely overshadowed by the special day of the year which is Teacher's Day. As a former teacher, I am still very much a teacher in my heart. I may be doing something different today but I will always be a teacher at heart. For me, I am like that. I have not gotten over the fact that I had left the noble teaching profession some 15 years ago but those special memories especially the events that unfolded during Teacher's Day are truly memorable. Sometimes, slouching down on the sofa set sipping Jasmine infused Green tea kinda flooded my mind with those wonderful teaching days memories. But what I am most honored is how much my former students had grown in their lives. I am glad that in some tiny ways, I have managed to inspire them to lead a good life. I am so thankful for that but at that time, I felt my role as a teacher all seemed so insignificantly small. I never knew the impact I had made in the lives of these young ones when they were in my class. It took many years later that I am able to chat with students and get their perspective of me when I was their teacher. My comments ranged from "truly bad ass", "humorous" , "serious", " caring" , "gruesome" to "inspiring" teacher. No matter what those comments were; good or bad , I took it all in good spirit because I have done whatever I can to be the best of what I can be. I have no regrets in whatever I did ( never have, anyway! ). In my heart, every student I had was an opportunity to share whatever experience, expertise and even a big chunk of my heart.
Even today as I am serving the Royal Rangers Ministry, which is a ministry for reaching, teaching and keeping children for Christ, my conviction is crystal clear. I am still very much a teacher at heart and I will impart whatever expertise I have to these children so that they could grow up to be effective and God-loving individuals in our society which desperately needed a great dosage of such injections of life. Come think of it, each and everyone is a "teacher" in his or her special way in whatever work we do or in whatever circumstances we are in.
So, to all dedicated, honest and truly loving teachers out there, Happy Teacher's Day and continue to be a blessings to lives out there. Be inspirational and always lend an ear to the needy, the neglected or even the hardcore disobedient ones. No matter how hard it may be, you may never know how much joy and encouragement you bring to the lives of these children who will one day grow up to thank you for what you have been in their lives. I went through that experience and no money in the world can buy that sort of joy you feel in your heart!
Have a blessed day and inspire students, teachers/sigu..........
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