Over the past few days , I have been taken to a comical plus comedy trip as I read in the papers, articles and watched clips in regards to the Bersih 2.0 rally. I can't help feeling that unwanted "threats" and creation of fear are at its upmost tempo in order to bring the people of this country to ransom. Thus, putting the country back to its pre-historic time of "divide and rule" policy. Irresponsible people in the government, ultra-racialistic print media plus the ever egoistic and damning Perkosa leaders are shouting filth after filth to insult our intelligence and they got over scott free! Absolutely scot -free! What about those who threatened to burn buildings and used intimidating scare tactics on lives they don't even know? Doesn't that warrant an arrest? I am perplexed over the double standards in the laws of this country. Oooh! Give warning letter/verbal warning is the solution, I see. It is no wonder the credibility of this government is down to the drains faster than my morning flushing. I really wonder the "unimaginable powerful corruptible" hands that are supporting these leaders. Is there no conscience on their part if blood of the innocent are spilled on the very pavement we walk on each day? The moronic decisions and unimaginable stupidity by the Home Minister and his henchmen of so-called law enforcement officers ( Gosh I still have many good friends in the force - so sorry, guys!) are definitely a laughing stock of the entire society and the world, for that matter. Day by day, we see our beloved country being raped of its resources by uncontrollable corrupt practises and we continue to see a rise of dark forces in playing the racial trump card to drum up fear and isolation in our lives. Is there any effort at all to clean up our darkened corrupt practises and sinister clouts at all?
Ok, let's get back to Bersih 2.0. Sure, I support this group. I have no qualms about this. BTW, I have never heard the organiser leaders saying that they want to topple the country or want to cause a revolution of taking over the country. Have you? What? Communism had infiltrated into our society? Yunno what, as far as I know, all the caves hideout and hideouts that was formerly used by the Communist are now a tourist attraction-lar! Really laughable scare tactics. We really love to spook ourselves, don't we? Tell me, who and which citizen of this beloved country of ours, in their sane and sound mind, would like to go and embrace Communism rather than the life we have right now? Tell me-lar. Yeah, it isn't a great one but "boleh-lah" is what I'll say rather than Communism. Gosh, have any of the detractors of this rally actually read what is the purpose of this gathering? Instead , I see silly businessmen and lunatic politicians screaming their lungs out , brandishing words of blood shed and promising violence! Who knows, maybe some of these lunatics are the ones paying some Indonesians/Myanmars and even Rempits to create havoc and get rowdy during the peaceful march. So , to the organisers of Bersih 2.0 , beware of such people in your midst who may be out to create mischief and who may collecting some bread money to create chaos amidst the peaceful rally walk. If I am not mistaken, coffeeshop owners are against such rally is for the fear of planted rowdies, law breakers and planted hooligans that may wreck their shops-lar not because of the rally.
Logically, if a walk rally is organised well, good purpose, peaceful and no hooligans - planted or otherwise, are eradicated, I do not foresee any rowdiness at all. Take a look at our Wesak Celebrations evening rally, a Christian rally walk or even a Muslim rally walk. What about our Larian Merdeka and so many larian to support this and that purposes? Isn't that a rally too? If we can be civil and respectful towards our religious rallies or even our social and sporting rallies, why can't the same tolerance be met with such a rally? To me, this is downright hypocrisy and mismanagement of the citizens support for the country leaders. I tell you this, whatever support the people had for the present government and people in the government had diminished all together with such blunders and stupidity of its governing ministers. Take a opinion poll on the government and try not to alter the results then.
Arresting people wearing yellow clothings and anything associated with yellow items are indeed a laughing stock of the people. I have not seen anywhere in our Constitution that says that. Anyway, some telecommunication network giant is going to scream when their men get arrested, then! I guess, lunatics will be around for many years to come but the evident question is how long this lunacy is going to go on?
Stop promoting fear and stop using your "artificial" powers to invoke fear, you power craze lunatics! I dunno about you but my Bible says "Faith in - fear out!" . Agree?