Being able to spend time with my nephew and niece is simply sheer pleasure these days as they started to grow up. Hilarious and abundantly crazy are the other words I can describe about these two young nutty children! You should have seen them do the "Nobody" ( Wonder Girls song ) dance and I rolled on the bed enclosed with uncontrolable laughter and spasms of fun as I wacthed these two young tots strutting their stuff!
So innocent and fun, man. With all the facial expressions, hands, legs, posture and what not, I just burst out in fits of laughter and it was all really fun.

Seriously, how much they have grown up and getting them to nestled themselves in my arms brings a lot of cheer to my heart. They are so angelic and really a good medicine for the ailing heart, man! Both Ryan and Ashley are such delights to me, SLing and SYuen. OK, they fight as usual in their ever competitive brother -sister relationship but less intense these days. I still remember the teeth marks and the long scratchers but these days , those things are gone. It is more to battle of the tears and facial expression. Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......so cute-lar these two tiny tots! Then it's the battle of the iPad thingy these days. Well, the cries would start and the wailing would start but it's all good. They've got to spread the strength of their lungs once in a while or else they won't be able to know how far their cries would reach especially in the house. To me, these tiny tots have really grown up.

There seemed to be a slight improvement when it comes to meal. Ryan had started to at least put some grains of rice with some food goodies into his dietary habits while Ashley continue to consume food stuff with ease. Definitely, it will be a long long way before the pork leg delight morsels reach the palate of Ryan! Hey, the children have got to have the important staple food for growing up - PORK! Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................
We had some interesting dinner food over the weekend. Iced sweet sour pork pieces is one of them. As usual, great food all the way. Dinner was very good and I really enjoyed the meal. Dim sum was stupendously shiok to the max. Really had a good weekend with family and had some entertainment fare from two tiny tots with great characters! What more could I ask for , right?
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