Wait! What is this that I have heard that we abandoned and forsake the cause to speak for the truth because of the fear of having our child being victimised in one way or another? Seriously, that can happen in a religious setting? Blimey! I am truly shocked and appalled. If we have that fear in the first place then there is something very wrong with the establishment in the first place, isn't it? Simple logic, 1 + 1 is 2! Hmmmmnnnnnn.......I am amazed. Now we are running a triad society in our religious establishment! No wonder the extortion fees comes in so many ways - pay for food, pay for triad manuals, pay for books, pay for everything under the sun in the name of the triad! Interesting, isn't it? Simple logic , sometimes, we don't need to be a genius or with a magical wand to know that the very core of this is wrong. In my most warped and crooked opinion, this is an act of cowardice and a real shame to one that calls himself a leader - saving one's own skin. Aiyah....still need to safe face-lor because SKI II lotions or men's younger looking lotion concoction can be quite expensive-lor. The most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard is that we need to move on and start anew. What is new? This to me is the most cowardly statement ever because it is like sweeping every damning excuse available in the face of the earth under the carpet. By the way, according to some medical doctor friends I have or I know, sweeping dirt under carpet can be a physical and health hazard too. It may develop and bring to decaying health and ultimate death in the body we are so proud to protect in the first place. If I am not mistaken, the English language calls that filth while the condition is called filthy and the people who does this are called filthy people. Well, don't blame me-lar , I am just interpreting it according to the English language. Ah! Allow me to put it subtly as peddlers of words would say them in a more dignified way - the filth should be replaced with "unwanted materials" while the condition is called "unhealthy and inconducive living environment" while the people are called "hygienically challenged people". There! That should spare the people from feeling disgusted, right? I rest my case! It's just words after words to make it sound and "feel" right but it's the same meaning as far as I am concerned. Well, English can be quite a confusing language, right?
The other thing I want to highlight is that "we move on" when something which is wrong had been made right. Not from the wrong and continue moving from the wrong! That's double jeopardy, isn't it? It like having the two nuts or in certain circumstances, one nut, being wedged between the opening of a broken plastic chair unintentionally - that , my friend can be an awfully painful experience too, yunno. Ok! Ok! I better stop with my "illustration" or else I'll be called "unholy" and tremendously unsporting for hitting below the belt but interestingly, isn't that what had happened? Hmmmnnnn.......Anyway, how can a healing place be a place for people to strut their cultic figure and flex their so-called power and we call it okay and good? As far as I know, our religious establishment should be and ought to be the place for the mending of the broken hearted, imperfect people, the lost, the unfortunate, the poor, the trodden, the soiled and even a place where God's radiance is enough to bring cheer to the ailing and hurting heart. It should be and ought to be a place of healing but instead we have turned it into a corporation with almost identical clowns/parrots of leaders we have at our working place. Like it or not and no matter how much we professed it with our mouths, we are churning out "monsters" after "monsters" that we cannot contained and then, we moved to the next place to built more monsters and the madness continues! Now, it is turned into a battlefield of power and obscure/ludicrous decisions. We now make people sign papers of faith just to sing in the singing superstardom/performance group? ( Yeah! It is no more a willing and humble heart thingy! It's superstardom and SS group now.) Yeah! For the matter, we make everyone and anyone sign papers of allegiance to 101 cause! So, we hang our faith, trust and integrity on a piece of paper? Hmmmmmmnnnnn......interesting. How insecure we can get! We have plenty of examples around to look at today. Don't look so innocent or expect sympathy from anyone because none will be given nor spared, honestly. We piled misery after misery unto the people rather than healing, bringing comfort to the unfortunate, feeding the poor or even being "father to the fatherless"! We scorned and we treat truthful and hard fact hitting people like some road side beggars and yet, we praised sky high people with empty cheque books , dubious titles and questionable integrity in our religious establishment? Yeah! We are guilty as hell for this! Yes, we are! That's the way it goes, right? Don't rock the steady boat or else our child will be mistreated or even our family will be ostracised! Don't say anything - keep quiet, smile a lot and let's rot together while still continue to maintain that everything is "well and good". Never mind if the message doesn't gel together or make any sense at all. Most important, pay for the building and pay it fast. It is okay because only a few important VIPs are answerable to God - no one else is answerable. BTW, we continue to do our witchhunt and ask the questions over and over again - "Who is the instigator?", "Who told you this?", "What proof do you have?" and sidetracked the people from getting the correct answers! Get them distracted from the actual situation. In that way, the anger can be churned and turned against the questioner rather than letting the people see the real actual rot and the real integrity issues! Shush and hush! Not a word!
But wait.........OOOOOOooooh! I forgot to mention one thing though...............this doesn't happen to our religious establishment here. Yessiree, baby! It is about "the other" religious establishment at the other end of the street-lar! So, no need to get excited nor get agitated! Phew! It is ALWAYS about the one at the other side of the street-lar............
But wait.........OOOOOOooooh! I forgot to mention one thing though...............this doesn't happen to our religious establishment here. Yessiree, baby! It is about "the other" religious establishment at the other end of the street-lar! So, no need to get excited nor get agitated! Phew! It is ALWAYS about the one at the other side of the street-lar............
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