Yunno, I went through the episodes and it is really very very heartwarming and heartening to know that the blind contestant, Christine Ha is a wonderful competitor. I really marvelled at her as even in her disability, she was able to churned out good,simple and heartwarming food. Sure, I could relate to some of the dishes she made like her finale dishes- Thai Papaya Salad, Apple pie, catfish in claypot, Vietnamese pork belly rice and others. Yeah, they weren't complex dishes but they were generally good/street food and heart warming dishes. I think, that's what clinched it. Through her blog, "The Blind Cook", you could actually "see" her positiveness and how she handled the pressures during the show. I guess, if I were to dissect her personality , I would say - tenacious, stubborn and that good twang of "Never Say Die" attitude! Well, people may say that this is reality TV and so, everything is perceived to let you see what you want to see but generally, you could see that Christine was just a wonderful person. Never in the scheming mode or even devising any plans to plot downfalls of the rest, she stuck to who she was and do her stuff despite her disabilities. Even when she was given a live dungeness crab to cook, she struggled but the Crab Cerviche looked alright to me. I think, she brought a lot of positives to the show and despite all the glitz and glam, she truly did her best. What a competition it turned out to be!
I remembered watching two segments where she was the last to be picked during group challengers - feeding the army boys and feeding the cowboys. It must be devastating for her at that time but somehow, she got through the challenges and her contestant were also quite nice to her. That's positiveness amidst a challenging competition. I also remembered the time when everyone was clearing out after feeding the cowboys and her team had won the challenge, Christine sat alone near the haystack pieces. Either she is enjoying the win or the people had forgotten that she is actually blind. I mean, it is a delight to see her "memorized" the position of things and getting her cooking done all by memory, touch, smell and taste. I guess, when the sight is gone, the other senses would be sharper and I couldn't agree more.
I guess, the two scenes that tugged my heart was the apple pie challenge and the one Stacey had to leave the competition after losing out on the sushi competition. During the apple pie challenge, she was really looked flustered and she lost a lot of confidence. Gordon Ramsey did good by giving her words of encouragement and the tears flowed. I guess, in many ways, even in our difficult moments, kind words and encouragement will help a long way.
Who would believe a blind woman could win Masterchef US but Christine Ha did it. Truly a worthy winner. Truly a heart-warming winner indeed! Enjoy the show!
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