As an adult , we just cannot simply fold our arms, put a smirk on our faces and say "Serves them right for what they did" and moved on to the non-compassion stand we take. Like it or not, I tell it to your faces that we are that prejudice when it comes to such social stigma. We are as guilty as the perpetrators of these young women because we failed to educate our sons and daughters to know their own bodies and the responsibilities they have to uphold. Now, you may ask, " how have we fail?". We fail by our failure to educate our teenage sons and daughters on sexual education or the common term " the birds and the bees". Some male parents even proclaimed their son's prowess in such acts which I find distasteful and shameful. Look! We all have daughters and we all have sons too, yunno. Would you beat your chest and proclaimed that your son did well if he deflowers someone else daughter? Would you do the same if it is the reverse role? I am appalled at such mentality. I have seen countless parents who tell their children not to ask about sex and wait until they themselves will come to know about it. By then, it would be too late as the ever-ready internet and the "joyful" world will be the educator of our children. For goodness heaven sake, teach them what sex and sexuality is all about. Instill the godly principles in their lives and associated God's word into them to know what is right and what is wrong. Make no mistake that the printed media or even the electronic media influence are strong influences and ever ready influence in a young teenager life. Raging hormones of young teenagers and youths are a real thing. If proper education, proper explanation are given together with supervision of what activities they are participating in are done, I believe, we can make the teenagers and youth safe in our community.
Let me be bluntfully truthful that there are so many teenagers and youth out there who just wants to "grow up" so fast that they get trapped by the wolves and vultures of the world. Once, they are showered with exceptional concern & care, gifts, sweet-talk, money and "promises of the whole entire world", the legs get parted and bodies are ravaged. Some don't even mind being kept woman for such sugar daddies and so on. Worst still, some teenagers carry out experimental sexual acts out of curiosity minus the brains, I would say! Please mind my language but I just wanted to point it out blatantly because I am so sickened by rising teenage pregnancies. What sickened me most is the regret that comes after it all which is a little too late as far as I am concerned. Believe me, this comes from many many conversations with unwed teenage mothers! I am not judging them for what they did but I really felt that preventive measures could have been taken. Look! Promises of marriage from an already married guy is a whole load of bullshit & hogwash,man! Our children need to be wise and able to differentiate what is right and what is wrong straight away!
For one, as parents, we need to keep our communication lines open with our children. We need to know who they mix, where they go and what they are doing. Never mind, if we are seen an intruding into their so-called "space" or deemed as CIA or KGB because sometimes, intruding in space will save their lives. Be wise in what you do so that you would not jeopardise the relationship with your children. Of course, we also need to be on our knees a lot and pray to God that He would protect our family and children.
I would like to suggest ABC which is to me the simplest form of educating of teenagers and youths.
A - Abstain from sex. ( Clear and simple! )
B - Be Faithful ( Explain the real meaning and the need to be faithful )
C - Know the Consequences
I leave it to the parents to elaborate on this matter. I hope it will help you.
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