Here I was again, waiting in line for my turn to use the deposit machine. Finally, for like an endless time of sweating & gritting my teeth so that I don't spew out obscenities at him, he finished his transactions! Gosh, I thought that there was no end to this. Then the middle-aged man was next in line to use the machine. Thinking that this was a quick transaction, I was flabbergasted when he whipped out a ward of cash and about 8 employees account numbers! For crying out loud, why can't these goons use the banking services provided rather than lined up and do such transactions!! Better still, get the banking in done a few days earlier-lah! Afterall, paying salary one or two days earlier won't send the business tumbling down, isn't it? It just goes to show how moronic some businessman can be. Worst of all, this is a fine example why workers are demotivated in the first place -paying pay/salary on the very last day of the month! In all honesty , I experienced the same thing too and that's why I can imagine what mental anguish that goes through their employees head! Yeah, I know that by law, salary could be paid out between 1st to 7th of the month but have a heart,man. These are difficult times and families have to get fed too. Sooner or later , you still have to pay out the salary. It would definitely make the employees a much happier person if he receives it early. Anyway, it's the prerogative of the employer, I guess. No fights here!
So, after about 30 minutes, then came the turn of the gentleman in front of me. I tell you, betul-betul "sueh " of all "sueh", he also took out a ward of cash and a list of 5 names of employees and their account numbers! I just rolled my eyes and wish I could plunged a knife to his back! I also wished I had a plan to short-circuit the Cash Deposit machine at that time! I was so pissed that I really though of picking up my slippers and smack this middle-aged person on his head! The worst part was that, he turned around and spoke in clear, crisped and articulated English, " So sorry, young man. Just be patient with me, ok? 5 names only." The good part was that he called me young man - that cools me down a bit. The other part I still can take it was - 5 names only! Like I said, sometimes, I want to vomit blood when meeting bosses like these 3 goons but the consolation is that I get to control my temper! That's a positive step! I guess, the "young man" part helps to pull down about 30% of the temper gauge!
Sometimes, I really don't know nor understand what goes through these bosses heads! I guess, moronicsm knows no bounds! So much for towards a clean, fast and efficient banking system!~