Over the past few days, I've been reading about the part of taking out the "Race" column from forms with much cynical amusement. It is not that I am against this idea nor do I want to flouted with our already ridiculous laws in our country but I am totally downgraded to a moron by our government. We have achieved 52 years of independence and yet the people at the top learned nothing at all. I guess, they have not really understood the uniqueness of the actual people of Malaysia. I like the Merdeka advertisement whereby a nice looking Indian girl lay down in a fight for her life for some rare blood and the people of all races rallied in to help out. Now, that's the real scenario we would have encountered. We would all joined hands to contribute to this situation. We can rise about racism, we can rise above colour, we can rise above creed and help one another! It would not cross our minds to question if this is Malay blood or Chinese blood or Indian blood or Sikh blood or Iban blood or Kadazan blood etc.etc. Blood is blood and help is help - irrespective or race, colour or creed! So, to the politicians in our country , STOP playing politics and really do serve the people. In my considered opinion, the people in Malaysia are not at odds with one another or let me re-phrase that , there are still some racist, self-centred, idiotic clowns of people in our country but not ALL are like that! It would be a real insult to all my friends of all races in this country. Hey, I do have great Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh and other races friends. Don't you dare "rob" that away from our harmonious relationships. BTW, I am not being a dreamer or whatsoever, this is the truth! Face the truth.
Like I said earlier, taking out the "race" column from forms is not going to help one bit. Look! You can't change Ali, Ah Kow or Ramasamy names and pretend we are something else, can we? We are still very much a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh , Iban, Kadazan, Temuan etc.etc. That what makes us unique in the first place. The problem is not the race column in the form ~ The problem is the receiver of the form!! Will he/she be prejudiced in what he/she sees that column? The question is simple enough, isn't it? It is the attitude, the pre-conceived ideas and the racist stand of the receiver of the form that has to change! If the attitude is wrong in the first place, then talk not of taking this out or taking that out! I hit a raw nerve, didn't I ? I have seen many times how uneducated or poor folks being treated indifferently by our public servants in various departments. What do you call that? OK! A few black sheeps and the department get the blame thingy syndrome, right? Well, ok, you can't win all the time but 52 years and we're still trying ? Sigh! Again , I questioned the condition of these hearts and these pre-conceived ideas in the first place! You bet, I speak from experiences that I have seen personally!~
Like I said earlier, taking out the "race" column from forms is not going to help one bit. Look! You can't change Ali, Ah Kow or Ramasamy names and pretend we are something else, can we? We are still very much a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh , Iban, Kadazan, Temuan etc.etc. That what makes us unique in the first place. The problem is not the race column in the form ~ The problem is the receiver of the form!! Will he/she be prejudiced in what he/she sees that column? The question is simple enough, isn't it? It is the attitude, the pre-conceived ideas and the racist stand of the receiver of the form that has to change! If the attitude is wrong in the first place, then talk not of taking this out or taking that out! I hit a raw nerve, didn't I ? I have seen many times how uneducated or poor folks being treated indifferently by our public servants in various departments. What do you call that? OK! A few black sheeps and the department get the blame thingy syndrome, right? Well, ok, you can't win all the time but 52 years and we're still trying ? Sigh! Again , I questioned the condition of these hearts and these pre-conceived ideas in the first place! You bet, I speak from experiences that I have seen personally!~
I have learnt in my life that what food or drinks that goes into our body is not as important as what comes out from our mouths. The words, the sentences, utterances from our mouth shows the conditions of our hearts! If we are deceitful, arrogant, self-centred and racist, what comes out from our mouths will be the same. There is no doubt in my mind that we, Malaysians have got to take a stand against such moronic wrongful ideologies being shoved down our throats! This has nothing to do with race, religion, colour or creed! This is about living harmoniously with one another. Erode and eliminate the unneccessary suspicious minds, drumming of support for racial politics and unneccessary corrupt practices in our country. As Malaysians, we all want to live in a peaceful, caring and harmonious country. I really do miss my younger days when race, religion and creed were NEVER an issue in the first place. I miss it very much~!
Malaysians - Let's look forward and celebrate our uniqueness in our special way - HAPPY MERDEKA!
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