Yeah! He has grown a lot over the two months I've not seen him. SLing and I together with our teenaged children missed him a lot. Though we've tried to "vacant' our programs and what not from our calendar, we were only able to get back some days to spend some nice time with Ryan and his parents, Wei & Jade.
So much playful now but kinda homey type! He lives being in the outside but he gets equally bored as fast as he gets out in the open spaces. Typical of a homex baby! A term that I coined for babies who likes to stay at home. Oh! BTW his words vocabulary had increased tremendously. Now, it's " Let's go! ", "Yeah!" " Maa", "Papa", "Mah", some other words and " Waaaaaaaaaahhhh" There's no running away from the last one. All in all, there seemed to be a very vast change in his vocab and his screaming skill. [ very much shorter and pleasant now! ]
Again, "Ratatouille" and now, "Cars" are his favourite movies! It's like somehow he can memorised the scenes or even the conversation. As far as I was concerned, his parents knew the lines of the movies by hard , man! That is how many times Ryan and his parents had seen the movies! There are just no words to describe how wonderful this child meant to SLing and me. I could imagine the joys he had given to his parents, Wei & Jade. He is an interesting child with so much flair and class in him. Stubborn, just like any other child, but he's such a joy when he smiles! Definitely a soother in the times of troubles/hecticness/stress!
Even when we were back home just now, we really miss playing and "disturbing" this young fella. We really wished we could spend more time with him and imparting some good fun with him. We continually pray that Ryan would be blessed always and may the good Lord watched over him together with Wei & Jade as they chart their lives together.
God bless you, Ryan , Wei & Jade!~
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