RR Melaka #1 Annual Camp 2009 preparations are at its final stretch stage and praise God, everything is on course. Though there has been some difficulties over the past few weeks but by His grace, everything was sorted out. I must say that it isn't easy for the commanders to plan for such a camp. It may look easy but there is a lot of hardwork involved. Looking for a camp site, planning the budget, planning for the itinerary, planning for meals, scouting for camp speaker, safety aspects, logistics and all the rest of the stuff can be very taxing for working individuals. I guess, I am really blessed with leaders who share the same crazy passion as I am in this ministry. BTW, camp is not our priority though it is a good way to fulfil the needs of boys and girls for some outdoor adventure. Our priority has always been centred on God. We can plan for the most beautiful, most elaborate or even most detailed camp ever but if God doesn't show up - we have failed in our duties. That is how much we, the commanders have put emphasis in our ways in making sure our priorities and focus are on the right track. The focus has always been God and never about the camp. The children may enjoy every activity that we had planned for them but if their lives had not been touched then we have failed miserably. We do not plan our camps to be activity centred but rather God centred. That's why it is very improtant and crucial for us to have leaders of such passion. I am ever thankful to the team of RR commanders who have worked real hard over the years to bring the message of God to these children year after year. I am especially thankful to past [ Comdr. Vive & Sathy, Comdr.Les Lee and Adeline, Comdr Cristal Teo, Comdr. Rachel Fu, Comdr Tan May Ching & Comdr. Jamie ] and present commanders and leaders who had been a tremendous encouragement to me personally and to the RR ministry. Leaders like Comdr. Steven, Comdr. Errol, Comdr. Jason, Comdr. Jessica, Comdr. Tan Bee Ling, Comdr. Bryan , Comdr. Stefanie and J/Comdr. Ivy Wong are hard to find these days. Not forgetting the up and coming leaders in Stephen, Paul, Joa Wee, John Ng and Daniel Chia who are a real blessing to the ministry. I am really blessed working with these people whom I have kept in my heart dearly. These are leaders who gave their best to the ministry. I am so grateful to them for their dedication, determination and sacrifices. Thank you so much!
I asked of all of you to help us by praying for the camp during your quiet times. Yes, we need your prayers too as we prepare ourselves for the camp. To me, prayers for our camp no matter how big or small the scale may be, are truly essential and pertinent. So, please pray for good weather, safety and most important of all , for His presence and annointing during the camp. My commadners and I will continue to pray that lives would be impacted by His presence. From my humble heart, Thank you for praying for the ministry and the camp!~
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