As I looked into the works in making the party a success, I am grateful that these two young parents not only put in the extra mile for their beloved child but also, ensured that Ryan would have a great birthday party among family members.
Then we had cake cutting time and his cake turned out to be Buzz Lightyear character cake. It was great having Jade's parents and family over for a time of fun and fellowship. I guess, nothing beats having close knit family and it is very important to maintain such relationships. Sometimes, I do get upset when I see the young generations of boys and girls had failed to give proper acknowledgement and respect to the older folks. Anyway, I am just grateful that the bond between us is good and healthy. That's what makes family tick, I guess!
Yunno, I am really blessed with my wife and the children, JWee and SYuen. They have never failed to get me a present everytime my birthday comes around. I am so blessed as they got me a Victorinox multi-purpose piece for my birthday. To be honest, I've always wanted to own one but many times, I felt the money could be put in better use for the family and so , I keep skipping from buying one for myself. Now , finally, I've got one. It's a very useful and important tool to have indeed especially during emergencies and so on. I am so thankful that my family had given me one. I guess, it is correct to say that only family knows your heart best, right? Yesterday, I received a great computer bag from Errol and I am so blessed. Like I said, I've always wanted certain items but
I would give it a miss but receiving the bag from Errol was simply marvelous. Then the meal with good friends yesterday was indeed the top of the cream to optimize my joy. Thank you , my friends! I am really glad indeed.
Coming back, I remembered SLing telling me that she was so sorry to pull me back to Seremban on my birthday. I just told her that I would be glad to be back in Seremban coz' nothing beat family gatherings. You see, earlier of the day, I drove to a palm oil mill near Selancar along Segamat -Kuantan highway for work. the road to the palm oil mill was uneven, filled with pot holes and very uncomforatble for me. Yeah, I know that I've been through such roads in my life but somehow, it seemed extremely difficult to drive that day. Then when I got back, my whole body was aching plus my migrane was back. Popped two trusty Panadol Acti-fast in and it's off to Seremban.
Yes! It was tiring indeed but no complaints though for family gatherings are not to be missed,man! Besides, I wouldn't miss it for the world to spent some time with Ryan and the family.I am a lucky man indeed. I have a great family and extended families. Lots of terrifically wonderful plus eccentric friends, what more could a man ask for? In many ways, I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you who had literally coloured my life up with your great love, warmth, hospitality and blessings.
I want to say thank you for blessing my life, EVERYONE!~
I want to say thank you for blessing my life, EVERYONE!~
Thanks for making the effort to come back to celebrate that little monster birthday on your own birthday and you are not feeling well. Wei and I really appreciate whatever you and your family did for us. Happy Birthday and may you have a wonderful year ahead.....
Not to worry, it is our pleasure to be able to spend time with Ryan, you , Wei and mom! I am already so blessed having a good sister-in-law like you! You take care. God bless you!~
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