Even I sometimes feel that being humbled and kind hearted can be a disadvantage as people will just continue to run you over and try to quash all that you have to offer in the society we are living in today. But it's always proven that being humbled, count your blessings and being kind-hearted would look like a fool to others but not in the eyes of our Creator. It is a tough road but the rewards are out of this world! I have also thought of being harsh and vocal instead. I realised that I have been misunderstood and mistaken many times. People just brand you in one category frame and whatever you say or do from now onwards will be in that window frame of categorised character.You are marked for life as being what you are as people draw the window of character on you. Many lives are mistaken and many mistakes makes lives stronger, I guess. There is a difference between standing hard on the right thing and simply being pig-headed. A wrong is a wrong and the best reaction one could do is repent, apologise and make a genuine fresh start of NOT repeating the same mistakes over and over again. There is no shame to admit that one is wrong or one's view is simply out-dated. Saying you are wrong doesn't mean the end of the world to you like the world is teaching our young people of this. Look at the suicide rates - that should be one indicator. Yeah!Yeah!It will never happen to me or my family - that's what you will say. Hmmmmm......read up and see the statistics, you will be shocked! Anyway, admission of mistakes makes you a better person than you ever know yourself. Yeah, you'll be part of the ridicule for years by the people but heck, it's not the people's perception of you that matters -It is God's perception of you that is important. Do not let bruised ego, proudness and pure pig-headedness caused others to fall and fail before our eyes. There is also a huge difference between genuine repentance and half -hearted/scripted repentance just to calm the storm. Afterall, we are human beings. Let it be known that no one is exempted from this! No one human being is higher than another. It is just the title that makes us grow big. At the end of the day, from dust we came, to dust we will go, right? We all lie in one way or another to keep our skin intact and away from the prying eyes of the people but we cannot lie from the Maker of our lives or even the people that our Maker send to warn us. Try not to look too innocent when you read this because whether you like it or not, that's the honest truth. It hurts , right? My point is simply this : You can lie to some people all the time but you cannot lie to all the people, all the time.
I have learned over the years that I will continue to make mistakes in my life and I am still paying for many of the mistakes I have done. I am not ashamed to apologise or be the first to admit my guilt when I am wrong. I attributed this quality I have inherited from my parents. Being GENUINE is the word. It takes genuine and true friends to point out your mistakes and correct you at where you are. I am deeply privileged and humbled by the fact I have many whom I have come to call "family" who would refuse to give me sugary coated news or sugary treats when it comes to facts of reality in all facets of my life. From the bottom of my heart , I appreciate that a lot. Friends like these who tells me of the storm ahead is better than those who would tell me that the storm is still far away and let's party on! You get my drift! Some people say that I am a hardened man. Indeed, I am, for the lines on my "beautiful" face is not from some surgical corrective measures practise but by the years of many many hardship. I can't compare it with the many before me who had gone through so much and I really salute these daily heroes. The fact remains that true and genuine friends will get you straightened without having to conjure up this excuse and that excuse. You are probably asking: What's the point of all these?
The answer is our future generation. What message do we want to propel to them in their young lives today? Afterall. they do see, they do hear and they do put things together!
The answer is our future generation. What message do we want to propel to them in their young lives today? Afterall. they do see, they do hear and they do put things together!
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