Just when I thought I was going to end my day on a good note, my colleague's wife met with a small accident and we quickly rushed to the accident site. The accident wasn't that bad but it was a shock to my colleague's wife. In my unbias professional view, the fault lies with the girl who knocked into my colleague's wife car. Anyway, everything was quite okay until the girl's father turned up. All this while, I was cool and even calmed my colleague's wife down but when a tall, big and bully belted out, " Bodoh!", "You buta-kah!", "Macam mana you bawak kereta, bodoh!" and all the crap abuse, I lost it. All this while , the abuse went on and I too lost my cool and I said, "You tak boleh cakap macam ni!" This man wasn't interested whether his daughter was okay or the other person was okay. He was more interested in the damn car! To me, this bullying of my colleague's wife with his unkind words was just too much for me and I won't stand for that type of abuse. No one should listen to such crap! I then told my colleague and his wife to just don't bother about him and report the accident matter to the police and let them decide the outcome. I was rather mad with the man and I really wanted to do something but I really kept my cool. I quickly took my colleague's wife into my car and drove her to the police station.
Yunno, picture this scenario. Here stood a so-call local authority swimming coach with a stinking attitude and abusive qualities. He comes around in his fancy big van, spew his stinking language, strut his bully stuff and tried belittling everyone in his path. As I stood there, I often wonder what type of father he is [ There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that here stood a lousy father who only struts fear in his children and calling it "love" ! ]. As I look into the girl, I have nothing but sympathy for such a girl for having such a father. She must be terrified if she told the truth as her father won't be that forgiving to her! [I can imagine her getting hell from her father! ] Sometimes, I just wish people would just tell the truth. Instead, they cover up with lies and more lies and at the end of the day, they get further entangled in their deceit web. This is what happened today. It caused a lot of unpleasantness to my colleague's wife and my colleague and I was so sorry that they had to face up with such idiocy.
One more point I wish to point out is this big bully was a so-call swimming coach. How on earth are his swimmers going to learn discipline, dedication and all the qualities of a good athlete if they have a coach like him? It doesn't take an idiot to figure out why Malaysian sports are in the dumps when we have coaches like this! Yunno, I have great respect for many swimming coaches that I know & met but not this one! He doesn't potray one bit of the quality of a good coach I've seen. What a real shame to the swimming fratenity! A real mockery to the swimming profession!I've been a hockey player, a coach but never have been abusive or used harsh words on my players! Strict, disciplinarian and serious but NEVER abusive! I'm just speechless over what I have witnessed today! This incident leaves a very bad taste in my mouth today!
BTW, even the policemen can't stand him ~ just to set the record straight!~
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