One observation that I noted with interest is that the general public can’t resist “free” sampling items! Once the frenzy starts, you just can’t stop them. I tell you, if you go to the supermarket on a Sunday, you can see this type of behavioral pattern and it can be really fun. Why do they do the things they do is quite mind-boggling, actually. Seriously, I don’t know the reason or reasons for it but mostly out of curiosity, I guess. For me, I am not a sampling addict! I usually get that particular brand or item I want and I am out of there! Cruising along the supermarket, we then saw an array of canned abalone, razor clams, pacific clams and so on. These are items you would see being sold during the CNY celebrations. Then there’s the waxed duck [ I totally can’t understand this item lest eat it! ], dried freshwater fish from China, some black fungus and some traditional Chinese foodstuff. I like to stick to the foodstuff I know by hard like ‘bak kua’, chicken floss , pork’s leg/trotters, ‘lap cheong’ and more pork! [ Staple food–lar! How to miss! ] Mushrooms……hmmmmnnnnn….. got some dried white mushrooms for my mother-in-law. [ BTW, it’s what I do every year – get her eight (8) Mandarin oranges , a pack of white mushroom and a red packet! ]

I think, the most traumatic time I had last night was queuing up at the payment counter. The queue was never ending but orderly. I guess, the overly crowded supermarket was too much for some children last night. Anyway, there was a touching scene while I was queueing up to make my payments. That was the scene that kept playing in my head today. It was a scene of a crying Malay child in the arms of her mother who was having a load of groceries in her cart. I think, the poor girl was tired. She was crying and mucus was flowing from her nose. What I saw next was just amazing. An old Chinese lady at the front immediately pulled out some tissue paper and wiped the mucus off the poor girl’s nose and dried her tears. The girl stopped crying as the old lady consoled her. You could see that the mother of the child was relieved and these two women – one young and one old just smiled at each other; appreciating the lovely gesture of one another ! It’s just a simple scene but definitely a meaningful one. Both are mothers in their own ways but share a common love for the child. Just like our Father in heaven, watching over our children and consoling them just as we console/teach our children.
So, to all my friends out there, “ Gong Xi Fa Cai” & stay blessed! For those from outstation, drive save and I pray for journey mercy for all of you and your families! For my dear friends who had lost both their parents, my family's thoughts and love are with all of you all the time!~ God bless you all !
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