Don’t be mistaken too that I am definitely strict during sharing /lesson for I have always felt that I have been entrusted a spiritual and moral responsibility to look after these young lives. Make no mistake about that! However, most of the time, the children are really good children and it is always a joy to share with them outdoor skills, Word of God or even a time of heart to heart sharing. You’ll be amazed with the ability, the sensitivity and also, the pure hearts of these children. This makes my responsibilities as a commander such a joy, actually! For the shy, quiet and difficult ones, they’ll learn to be different and more open as they progressed. Hey, it is definitely not just us, the commanders, that made it happened. It is purely God’s grace that enabled us to see through the change in these children and the willingness of the children to change/transform themselves.
Coming to the lesson, I am blessed knowing that as I taught/shared this lesson, I too learned God’s way in my life. Gosh! There is so much to learn each day and it’s a brand new learning each time. I must say that though as commanders, we are constantly buoyed by time constraint, personal tiredness and hectic schedules in our working lives, we give our best to the children each and every three Sundays of the month. I guess, over the years of serving in this ministry, the children had become such an intergral part of our extended family.
That day, I taught them to the need to constantly be on their knees praying and interceding for their family, confess their ways to the Lord, repent and change for the better, hug their parents more and continually be humble in whatever they do – be it at home, in places they go and even in school. I could see from their eyes and their responses that they have learnt something today. That was most satisfying to me. As a father, a friend and a servant of God, I too want to see these children grow up in the will of God and to be good children to their family. This is my one and only prayer & hope for the children! ~
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