These two smartly dressed individuals ~ one from a reputable and huge company ( I shall call him the sicko ) while the one who swore heaven and earth to protect the sacredness of the Socrates vow ( the doink ) were my occupants in the lift. It all started with this sicko guy from the reputable company informing the so-called Socrates disciple that their company is going to scale down their workforce and the company have made the decision to lay off the sick workers, workers who met with accidents; be it industrial or work related accidents and even the ones who had been on /have taken MC! The other doink agrees with him! Can you imagine this scenario? To make the matter worst, this sicko asked the doink to provide a list of names of workers who had been receiving treatment as these would be the ones to be laid off! This dumbass doink says that he would provide it. Gosh! Have they no heart nor feelings at all? I sympathized with the workers who are going to lose their jobs. What a heartless society we bred today! I remembered this sicko telling the doink, "Lebih baik dia orang kena buang daripada kita!" Shameful, just plain shameful! What in the world is happening to us as a society? Caring? My foot! The fabric of earning a decent living fragility is tested right through and through. I shudder at the fact that many will be on the streets jobless in the coming days. What then? What do we do ? How can we respond to this ?
I have no answers but only two palms spread wide and up lifted arms facing the heavens seeking God for an answer. To many, who knows what the future holds for them? To me, I hold on to the scripture of Jeremiah 29:11 ~ a portion of the scripture that soothes my heart a lot in this difficult times.
In all honesty, I felt so sick in my guts for having listened to such a conversation. It is nauseating and downright degrading for me. As I walked out of the lift, I told the in-coming occupants that the lift is "smelly". One old man asked me , " Bau busuk? Busuk apa?". I answered, " Busuk hati, encik! Hati-hati ya? " I left a group of bewilded elderly people as I left the building. I guess, the air is much fresher outside and I do need a mint of fresh oxygen!~ Don't you agree?
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