The other day, I travelled for about half a day to get to this really 'ulu' place to visit a poultry farm. "To visit" means to work, actually! It is actually a modern poultry farm whereby everything is systematically and electrically controlled to so-call produce good meat chickens. It means the food, water, bulb lights are on and off at specific times to get good fat chickens for the slaughter house! You see, the modern chicken houses were covered with electrically controlled tarpaulin curtains walls to regulate flow of air and so on. So, when electrical supply is suddenly cut off, these curtains would automatically fall ; giving the chicken house the much need insulation of air. In this particular scenario, there was a sudden electrical breakdown and the curtains fell. So, excess sunlight beamed into the chicken house caused a major panic to the chickens. Afterall, they have not been exposed to such bright lights since they started their lives in the chicken house. Obviously, they got pretty uptight, quickly huddled together and soon , a stampede starts with each fighting for some space in the centre. Like all stampede, some just couldn't stand the heat , the suffocation and the anxiety. When this happens, casualties begin to pile up and so, "Amazing Grace" sounded sweet to some of these chickens! There has been some who just have a heart attack and konked off due to this . Like I said, they have been under the blanket of darkness all this while with regulated lightings that they actually forgot what the sun looks like while pecking away at the food when lights are turned on. It's like their Armageddon.
Honestly, I don't know how to react because I do find it rather amusing to know some of the causes of death while pity at the same time because each chicken house could accommodate 20,000 chickens! That's a lot of birds in a chicken house! BTW, there are 8 chicken houses there meaning....there are 160,000 birds living in the houses. Yunno, there is a lesson to be learned here and I shall leave it to you to interpret it yourself. For me, I am ever thankful to God for another good lesson in life. The lesson I learn is don't take life for granted! Live the day in the fullest and never coop yourself in. Open up your life and learn from it!~
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