Last Saturday, I attended the wedding dinner of my former colleague, SKYong and his bride, Pui Yee. I have known SKY for about 3 years now and I have good things to say about this person. Somehow, SKY, Teo and myself clicked quite well at work. He is really a hard working, honest and considerate guy. When he first started out in my company, he showed no airs and worked really hard just like anyone else. The fact that he had about 1 1/2 years experience prior to joining our workforce really showed his humbleness and willingness to work. I have very good impression of him and though sometimes during my course of teaching him the finer aspects of our job, I was kinda harsh on him but he took it all in good spirit. Yes, there are times that I could be a real torturer when it comes to work but I only have good intentions in my heart. I have always reminded him that in our work, mistakes/error/misjudgement will land us into a lot of unnecessary trouble or a gruelling & grilling day at the courts. This will then eventually affect our job performance and our take home remunerations. Thank God, he weathered through all the difficulties though he did have a time of disappointment over his take home pay. I believe, we have done what we can for him and I would dare say, the company lost a very good man who was very competent at his work. Seriously, I sorely miss this young chap who has a lot of potential in him and I just wish that we could do more for him.

Anyway, his wedding dinner was the usual stuff of 8 course dinner. BTW, he looked good in his suit and so did his charming & ever smiling bride, Pui Yee! At the dinner, I also met up with MC , a pretty young girl who had grown up to be a pretty woman together with her fiancee, Eric. I was really glad to have met them and it gives me a lot of joy knowing that MC & Eric are doing ok together. That night, my colleagues and I had a great time of merry -making while enjoying the food. Like all Chinese wedding dinners, there would be plenty of singing from the diners. One oldie crooned some old Hokkien songs and I find it really extremely excruciating to hear him sing!! For once, I wanted to get a bottle of water/chair and throw it at him as every one was sorta closing their ears to soften the impact of the screeching voice! BTW, he did not take the hints and continued singing another song and felt as though the microphone belonged to him that nite! Well, all "good" things must come to an end and eventually, SKY brothers took over while we continued our merry making! We had a good time, sharing laughter and drinks. Most important of all, we celebrated the very significant day and wedding of a good friend of ours.
So, to SKY & Pui Yee, all the best to your future undertakings, manufacture some good healthy babies and have a good & great life together!~
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